Alaska the girl next door who can do it all

Yep, her real name is Alaska. She’s a 24-year-old Scorpio from Orange County, who pretty much puts her mind to everything – from expressing herself on social media to skating, partying, Tik Toking, dancing, modeling, DJing, and photography. And shockingly, she’s pretty good at it all.

She says that she throws off the bills that others pay for her, but she only charges people to see adult content on OnlyFans, just like other creators in Alaska who make over a million.

And they certainly do.

But she wants people to know she’s a lot more than what you can see for $20 a month. A lot more.

It’s nice. Being recorded or ongoing is what matters, regardless of whether it’s day or night. Kaia, the adorable dog she rescued, was by her side. We sat down with Gaucho, her fellow, in her shared apartment in Pico-Robertson on a warm summer afternoon.

If you would like to hear the entirety of what was just recorded, click the play button to listen to our edited chat highlights.

Tony Pierce: Despite being a few years away, I sense that you still possess that lively Isla Vista celebration essence.

I felt so at home in Alaska when I first arrived, and I continued to feel that way throughout my entire stay.

Are the friends you attended college with… Still engage in social events and –.

Shenanigans? Not really. No. I feel like I’ve always been like the little crazy party girl that did everything, all the time.

Were you a social butterfly in high school?

I was very outgoing in high school and everyone knew me because I was on both the varsity track and cheer teams. Yeah, I was kind of a big deal.

What influenced your choice to attend UC Santa Barbara?

I attended the University of Oregon for my initial two years, and subsequently, I transferred to UC Santa Barbara.

I wanted to go to UCI or any other place. I wanted to be close to home, but not too close… Because I just wanted to be close. Choosing which school to transfer to was like the hardest decision ever. After getting accepted to UCSB and UC San Diego, I was at Oregon.

I had to choose between UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara. I chose Santa Barbara because I just knew I was going to be happier.

San Diego is UC Socially Dead.

In Santa Barbara, I was aware that I would experience greater happiness. There was a plethora of social activities to engage in. Santa Barbara is renowned for its academic excellence, yet it is also incredibly enjoyable.

Did you have a good time supporting UCSB?

Yeah, it was awesome. I had the opportunity to be a captain for a year. So that was truly enjoyable.

I received scholarships to cover the costs of everything and also obtained free merchandise. Cheerleading is regarded as a sport in many colleges, which is unfortunate because of the negative experiences I had.

It was costly, and we had to pay to support the team’s cheering. We had to pay for everything, including travel and uniforms. We were not funded at all by UCSB, but for us.

Why did you depart from Oregon?

Short tale. Would you prefer the truth or the falsehood?

Please only provide the truth for this podcast.

Alright. I inform individuals that it was due to the climate, which is partly accurate.

It was truly terrible. I would be outside my window, staring, and he followed me everywhere on campus as if it were a year-long obsession. I had a stalker, and the painful reality was that I was sexually assaulted.

I didn’t want to be depressed. The weather was at its best, but I couldn’t bring myself to do anything about it because my dad was a lawyer.

I apologize deeply.

No, it’s fine. It’s the complete truth.

Is it simpler to simply not care or is it challenging for you to be this transparent? You share all the anecdotes. And what’s captivating is that you are exceptionally exposed on your social media. I had no clue.

It began when I was young, I have always been incapable of deception. Like I genuinely cannot tell a falsehood.

It is increasingly difficult for me to actually tell the truth because I cannot lie, but I can avoid telling full truths.

Alright, it’s like, don’t you and I discuss something, if you let me know what people think about me at the end of the day, I don’t really care.

I would never participate in any activities or utter any remarks to cause harm to anyone, but I simply don’t care about others’ perspectives of me.

You’re exaggerating a situation that is insignificant. I don’t think you need to tell him this, especially since you’re friends with my boyfriend. I have things I need to tell him now, like about my current boyfriend.

And I’m thinking, “but I still have to inform him regardless.”

Occasionally, the truth reveals itself. It simply emerges, I’m uncertain. I am compelled to express the truth, yet it resembles Tourette’s. I am incapable of refraining from telling the truth.

Were you always like this? Were you friends? Was this from your parents? What does anyone else say about this? What did you do to make yourself so comfortable and not care?

EVERYONE PAY ATTENTION TO ME, that was like, the authoritative leader girl growing up. I was always like this, I feel.

“Oh, my goodness, it couldn’t possibly deteriorate any further.” I was in high school at the time, reminiscing about my childhood and early teenage years, filled with numerous traumatic experiences and all sorts of unpleasantness. I endured a great deal of bullying, which eventually transformed into something even more distressing.”

Like all of her socials, Alaska’s TikTok is fantastic.

And subsequently, I enrolled in university, and the situation deteriorated.

“I’ve experienced enough physical aggression. You all can acquire all the information you desire about me. I am completely indifferent. At this stage, I am utterly unconcerned. Furthermore, I thought to myself, ‘you know what’.”

This seamlessly leads to your Only Fans, which I, as a reporter, was obligated to subscribe to yesterday.

They will demand additional payment for additional videos, and on top of that, they will ask you to pay multiple times to continue following them… I have subscribed to a few of them before, and it caught me off guard.

It appears that you release all of your videos exclusively for your subscribers. Is that the case?

Yes, approximately 80%-90% of it. However, this is due to the fact that it is not a complimentary account.

I hate getting all the time. I don’t post more “porn-ish” content and I dislike the content that sucks and I don’t post enough. I still complain every day that people don’t post enough and that’s annoying.

I’m thinking, “I’m actually providing a service for you all. Let’s go. I could also simply choose not to have it.”

It’s 20 dollars. I bet you spend that at lunch in Los Angeles.

Some of the beer prices at Dodger Stadium in 2022

$20 is nearly the cost of a beer at Dodger Stadium.

Literally, almost.

I guess I leaked some videos of your little stuffed animal because you were speaking into the camera. Let’s stick with OnlyFans for a second, shall we?

Oh, yeah.

I thought the video was really touching. It still hurts, but I guess this was bound to happen, as you were saying.

That was a while back.

Unrelated TikTok video Alaska posted on Twitter.

When it comes to everything Google, make sure to incorporate your own distinctiveness. Additionally, remember to keep it genuine, as you mentioned before.

Oh, yeah.

Your canine companion Kaia appears to constantly be in close proximity to you. Always!

“I would like to leave her in a different room. She is literally right beside me. She has never been literally by my side before.”

She’s constantly by my side. I couldn’t care less.

Has that ever been a deal breaker for certain men?

My canine companion desires to remain close to me. She is my beloved pet. I couldn’t care less. If this is a decisive factor, I will ask them to leave my residence. Absolutely not.

Your Twitter is very, very explicit.

I really like how I can say anything I want on Instagram and TikTok because it’s a very nice platform, unlike Twitter which has a tendency to ban things you really enjoy. I feel like my Twitter experience is great because it’s so authentic and unfiltered, yeah.

When you possess an OnlyFans account, it is the optimal platform to promote it on.

I started using Twitter to find more people who can subscribe to her OnlyFans. She looks nice and her butt seems cool fun when she posts.

Emotionally, their attitude towards openness is very apparent, and I, like everyone else, also feel the same way. It’s the reason why I promote my OnlyFans account, which contains a substantial amount of sexual content on Twitter.

In actuality, I prefer not to openly publicize or extensively endorse it when individuals encounter me face to face, in order to avoid giving the impression that I possess an OnlyFans account.

It’s kind of just like, if you want to follow me, follow me. But really, it’s just how I pay my bills.

I don’t even enjoy having a OnlyFans account.

What aspects do you dislike about it?

I think people might view me differently because I could post a photo on my Instagram that looks like a bikini picture and make hundreds of dollars from it. I just have one weird post because I think people might see me as a slut. People might treat me differently and see me as a porn star.

So ultimately, screw it, to be honest.

I was supposed to go to UCSB for the summer. However, before that, I experienced a different time. I was assaulted, to make a long story short, because of the biggest reason why I actually started it.

When I expressed my refusal and desire to not be present, they administered drugs to me. He coerced me into participating in a threesome with them. He took me to a motel to rendezvous with his acquaintance, forcefully placed me inside his vehicle, essentially abducting me against my will, this individual who is significantly older.

It was a terrible experience. However, the fact was, I attempted to simply release it.

He refused to give me space and began disseminating it everywhere, sharing my story with everyone, but as it turns out, he captured images and filmed me during that particular day.

Now, let me clarify. If you don’t mind, I will send all these videos and photos to your family who I know, and I will inform them about where you live and where you work. Additionally, I will follow you on social media, just to let you know that he was blackmailing me by sending these videos and pictures for a couple of years.

Initially, I simply disregarded it.

Then he said, “I will go to your place of work immediately. If you won’t come.”

I was thinking, “man, I’m working. Can you please give me some space?”.

In the end, I intimidated him. I was like, “man, I will take this to the authorities.”

I just wanted it to end, but he wouldn’t leave it alone, so I tried to threaten him with anything I could come up with.

I received an unexpected Instagram direct message from an unfamiliar person containing those pictures and videos from that particular day, but it happened several years later, when I had already moved on and left that chapter behind.

So I was like, “hey, where is this originating from?!”.

I’m just trying to live my life. I can’t do anything about it. People are blackmailing me and threatening me with things that are completely out of my control, and I have been exposed to so much shit everywhere. It’s like I was when I was in a vulnerable state.

And so that’s when OnlyFans came into picture and I was like, “dude, I can claim all of this fucking control back if I start my own page. I can post better pictures and videos and charge people.”

When I desire to, I am capable of publishing. When I choose to, I have the ability to remove undesirable content. I am generating a substantial income and I am sharing a plethora of valuable material.

“Even I could talk on there, and you can see that I have a fucking website to view more content, Dude. I can just be like that when this guy tries to blackmail fucking me.”

Therefore, this individual is without power.

It was very easy for people to put me down. I never wanted something like this, but it was just because I had a huge fascination with Asian stuff and fetishes.

I hate that and it’s in the past. There’s nothing I can do about this, which is creating a back power to gain account.

In the final analysis, it was myself attempting to regain control. However, yeah, it’s not ideal.

The Asian girl who is sexually expressive on Tik Tok represents me exactly. However, I dislike being singled out solely based on my ethnicity and being labeled as a sexually provocative Asian girl, and so on.

“I engage in sexual activity on occasion… And all these other things, I perform and behave, and I also pursue photography. Additionally, I work as a DJ,” as I tend to believe that I have many distractions in my life, which is why I am often occupied with various tasks. That’s the way I am, and I embrace it.”

On a brighter note, you mentioned your parents are the official adopters of your dog. I love your relationship with your family.

Yeah, we’re very near.

Did your parents attend one of your most recent DJ performances?

They wanted me to stay out because they think I just wanted to stay out.

However, yes, in more recent times, I extended an invitation to them and they had the opportunity to join, which is truly remarkable.

Does both your mother and your father enjoy that genre of music?

Yeah, they go to raves with my sister, and we’ll try to come every time for the last few years.

Does it hinder your personal expression that your family is present?

No, my parents are quite relaxed. They’re the type of individuals who can be aware of something, but they won’t inquire.

They don’t genuinely mind. They would prefer to simply stay away from it.

But I’m truly receptive, you know. And thus my parents are occasionally like, “you’re revealing to me a bit excessive information.”

Are they aware of your OnlyFans account?

The sole issue was that I did obstruct him on Twitter. Furthermore, he is connected to me on all my social networking sites. Therefore, there is some connection. I complete my tax filings alongside my father. That’s the peculiar aspect. Indeed.

Snapchat follows me. He watches everything. If you want to see my shit, that’s your choice. If you want to follow me, that’s your choice. I warn them, but I’m very open with my parents.

I’m thinking, “if it makes you uneasy, you don’t have to witness it.”.

However, he simply desires to understand what I am currently engaged in within my life.

About all that’s that? Friends your of bunch a with Isla in somewhere skateboarding Nexus the in you of picture a there’s.

Coast Carvers made it into the award-winning Daily Nexus.

When I resided in Santa Barbara, I initiated a skate group exclusively for girls known as Coast Carvers.

As a girl, sometimes it can feel overwhelming, scary, or lonely to go skating in parks with Barbara Santa. I felt that skateboarding was a huge thing.

“I prefer not to go alone. I desire to skate alongside others as I enjoy the company, so please reach out to me if you wish to skate with a group of female skaters. I made a post on the Facebook group page, UCSB Free and For Sale, saying ‘hello’.”

And it performed admirably. Numerous comments and direct messages poured in abundantly.

I created a group with over 100 girls who wanted to skate together. Should I wait, like I did before?

We felt really empowered when we shredded and skated together to impress the girls. We would all start skating around as a group and have meetups at the end of Playa Del Beach Sands.

Another photo of you at UCSB I have to ask you about is one of you doing a handstand at the arch.

Oh yes, that was captured by my friend Bolden.

Is that an object? Do individuals ascend that object frequently?

If the police drive by, you may be shouted at — something that happens frequently during graduation season. Additionally, it’s highly hazardous as it is not a common practice. Due to its popularity, individuals choose to capture their graduation photos in that location. Occasionally, individuals under the influence of alcohol may even attempt to climb up the arch at Henley Gate.

So it’s really frightening to do it. But I just wanted to ascend there.

That object is approximately 30 feet tall, correct?

It’s quite tall.

What lies beneath it?

The road.

So if you stumbled, it would have been unfortunate, correct?
