In 2017, approximately 39%, in 2021, nearly 33%, and now almost 34%. Whenever there is an election in Ecuador, any formula supported by Rafael Correa consistently emerges as the winner in the initial round. This occurrence also has its electoral equivalent, and undoubtedly, correism continues to be the primary political affiliation in the nation.
The electoral success at the national level was huge for the Correismo, which won in the most populated provinces of the country a few months ago. It is important to remember that there is no second round in this instance, which is valid for achieving a 27% vote. There is no extrapolation with such manichaeism in a sectional result of a presidential election.
In 2021, the same thing happened: on that occasion, it was Yaku and Hervas who garnered 35%; this time, the combined total of both does not even reach 5%. In other words, there is no alternative candidate to correísmo with their own votes. And if it were next week, perhaps Zurita would come out on top. If the election had been last Sunday, maybe Topic would have been the winner. This Sunday, it was Noboa’s turn (the son of the billionaire Noboa). And surely this explains why the second most voted candidate could have been anyone. In these cases, a high percentage of the non-politicized electorate changes candidates as easily as they change songs. Or Peru. In other words: Ecuador. We must take the idea of Democracy Spotify seriously in countries where we are facing a Failed State and high degree of political instability and fragmentation.
The everyday routine will never defeat Tik Tok. The deep furrows are eclipsed and, consequently, the power of the current situation in this era of shortcuts and high speed is exaggerated, but not all of it explains part of the electoral campaign’s outcome.
Furthermore, social and political issues, as well as healthcare and education, are also important topics because they definitely matter. Only 14.67% of the eligible voters supported Bukele in the past election (each of them giving their vote of support), demonstrating that he did not choose to pursue Ecuadorian citizenship but rather, insecurity matters a great deal.
In both the political and electoral realms, Leonidas Iza, the president of CONAIE, remains as the sole strong leader, with a leading role going forward. Yaku Pérez did not even reach 4% of the votes, leaving the indigenous bloc without a candidate.
The Legislative Assembly will once again be fragmented, pending definitive results. The correísmo will be the largest majority (approximately 50-55 seats out of a total of 137). And the rest, all with very few. For example, Noboa’s party will have a very weak caucus (12).
F) More weariness, more drug trafficking, more poverty, more insecurity, more violence: the context has also changed; e) and; 35 years) and (45 young people, two among them, are in a dispute; d) Noboa will seek to confront Correism; c) Luisa González is a candidate with a very different biography from Andrés Arauz; b) today, the Correism has more institutional power than before, governing important capitals and prefectures; a) This is considered Correa’s ‘son’ because Moreno Lenín was able to criticize the Lasso Government in a more effective way, thanks to the support of a part of the population.