David Miranda, Brazilian congressman and husband of Glenn Greenwald, dies at 37 after 9-month ICU battle

David Miranda, the spouse of journalist Glenn Greenwald and a former Brazilian legislator, has sadly succumbed to a gastrointestinal infection following a nine-month-long struggle in the ICU at the age of 37.

Mr Greenwald, 56, turned to Twitter to compose a homage to his spouse.

Surrounded by friends, family, and children, he died in full peace. After a 9-month battle in the ICU, his early morning death is deeply saddening. He would have turned 38 tomorrow. It is with the utmost sadness that I announce the passing of my husband, David MirandaRio.

A young gentleman with an exceptional path who departed prematurely. Tweeting: “I offer my sympathies to @ggreenwald and his loved ones for the passing of David Miranda. Miranda was praised by Brazilian politicians, celebrities, and activists, with Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.”

As per The Guardian, Miranda, who held a position in the Brazilian parliament from 2019 to 2022, emerged as a prominent figure in the opposition against President Jair Bolsonaro’s far-right government.

Renata Souza, the legislator who never gave up fighting for the people of the favela and for life, left with immense sorrow at the departure of her dear friend Miranda David, a funny and loving party-loving guy.

Today, Brazilian rapper Emicida wrote about a courageous young man from Brazil who lost many of his dreams while fighting to unshackle himself.

Silva, also known as Lula Rosângela, the esteemed wife of Brazil, posted on Twitter that Miranda was leaving behind a profound “heritage of perseverance and affection”. Hoffmann, the president of the Worker’s Party (PT), stated that Miranda’s vibrant spirit brought immense happiness to the realm of politics.

Miranda, the noted guardian, was held at Heathrow Airport in London for nine hours while on his way to Rio, carrying memory sticks with documents related to the Snowden revelations. He was also a pivotal figure in the 2013 leaks by Edward Snowden, which were led by Mr. Greenwald. Miranda was the first gay man to be elected to the city council in Rio.

According to Mr Greenwald’s account to The New York Times, he encountered Miranda in the Ipanema district of Rio in 2019 after she accidentally spilled his beverage with a ball on the beach.

“During that moment,” Mr Greenwald expressed, “it felt as if two celestial bodies were crashing into each other, the fervor, David’s fervency. I was never the kind of person who could fall in love with someone instantly.”

“Observing on Twitter on Tuesday that his spouse’s life had been “exceptional in every aspect,” Mr. Greenwald mentioned that Miranda was left as an orphan in Jacarezinho after losing his mother at the age of five.”

Mr Greenwald expressed that Dona Eliane, a stunning and empathetic neighbor, looked after Miranda despite having four children of her own and being in a state of significant financial hardship.

The neighbor became Miranda’s maternal figure and “provided him with an opportunity for a new lease on life”.

In the Twitter conversation, Mr Greenwald expressed, “He motivated numerous individuals with his life story, enthusiasm, and vitality. He achieved the remarkable feat of being elected as the initial homosexual male representative in Rio’s City Council, and later in the federal Congress at the age of 32. This provided David with the opportunity to fully realize his capabilities in a society that frequently suppresses it. He played a crucial role in the Snowden narrative.”

The reporter stated that there was “no one with a more determined spirit or vitality”.

Mr Greenwald stated that the most significant contribution of the person in question is the outstanding young boys who have faced their own challenging beginnings in life. This individual instructed me on the art of fatherhood. They were the most committed and affectionate caregiver. Becoming a father was Miranda’s ultimate aspiration and it bestowed upon them an immense sense of accomplishment and direction.

6 August, the day Miranda was hospitalised, Mr Greenwald said he was told that he was unlikely to live through that week.

Mr Greenwald wrote, “I heard the same thing three times. He refused in a classic David style. Last month, our family had the most beautiful moments together.”

The partner conveyed that Miranda was “the most tenacious, most passionate, most compassionate person I have ever come across. Nobody had a critical comment about him”.

He concluded, “I know that many people will celebrate the impact he had on our NGOs and our children. I will do my best to honor his legacy. I can’t adequately describe the pain and loss.”