El norte de México recuerda los 10 años de la muerte de su diva Jenni Rivera

Although they mourn the lack of resources to pay tribute, the inhabitants of the northern state of Nuevo León remember with love and admiration the aircraft crash where the “band diva” Jenni Rivera, the singer, tragically lost her life 10 years ago.

The Secretary of the Municipal Council of Iturbide, Jesús Humberto Sánchez, informed EFE that in view of the fragile economic situation, an honor guard and floral tribute will be exclusively presented to “the distinguished lady” at the site of the plane crash.

The municipal official said, “Allowing it is not currently feasible, but something should be organized, and I would like it to be and it should be affected a little by the economic situation in the municipality since no event has been considered.”

Jenni passed away in an aerial accident in the Sierra de Iturbide mountain range in northern Mexico on December 9, 2012, following a concert at Monterrey Arena, the second largest metropolis in Mexico.

The structure crumbled at the pinnacle of the Tejocotes ejido after ascending to a height of 27 thousand meters.

Toluca, the capital of the central State of Mexico, is where the vocalist was making his way with four individuals and two crew members of the Lear Jet 25.

Sánchez pointed out, “let’s see if we can attend and if there are people who can organize something more advertised and suitable for us to see next year.”

Residents of the municipality come to take the commemorative photograph in which a floral offering and a bust in memory of Rivera were installed in the main square of Iturbide.

Prior to organizing an event for Rivera, topics such as health were given priority, as stated by Sánchez, due to the limited resources in the “municipal coffers”.

“Stated,” we are giving importance to the well-being of individuals and addressing urgent problems, while unintentionally neglecting the cultural dimension, given the prevalence of influenza and respiratory illnesses in the population.

Captured hearts

Sauceda María Luz, who remembered singing one of her songs at the foot of the statue placed in the main plaza of Iturbide, continues to be present in the hearts and memories of many fans. Although the singer’s true name, Dolores Janney Saavedra Rivera, passed away a decade ago.

The current and community worker, and former teacher, always identified herself with the Mexican artist because many Mexican women feel represented by her music.

He informado, “he obtenido victorias y he entonado melodías en competiciones, en realidad siempre he disfrutado de sus composiciones, desde que comencé a escuchar su música, siempre han sido de mi agrado”.

Jenni Rivera, who received over 50 awards and accolades, including Billboard Music Awards, Premios Billboard, and Premio Lo Nuestro, earned and sold over 20 million copies of her albums throughout her 20-year career.

Saucedo stated that Jenni is a role model for many women who chose to leave an abusive relationship thanks to her songs.

“Stated, ‘I relate to her songs and her life because numerous women have experienced what she went through, and that’s why we, as women, connect with her music, the lyrics, and everything she expresses’.”

They will attend if the year is unknown, where the aircraft fell in the visited place Lupillo’s brother or Pedro’s father as other family members of Jenni Rivera, although.

The unit collapsed at the site indicated by the cross where flowers are unexpectedly placed and regularly arrive, mentioned the Secretary of the Municipality.

Although it has been mentioned that Iturbide’s family and fans have forgotten about him and his physical absence for the past 10 years.

His memory as a reminder of the eternal sign in “the diva of the band” photographs two put owners their Town Hall of the main square’s side located, square the Restaurant in even.