Height And Weight Requirements In The US Military

When you are trying to enlist in the US Army, your weight and height can be a deciding factor as there are strict regulations regarding height and weight limits.

If you want to stay in the army, there may be some exceptions that allow you to weigh these meats and consider both weight and height limits. To achieve and maintain the desired weight, strict diets and regimes must be followed.

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Let’s start with the fact that the US army has very strict limits on height and weight for a good reason. However, there is no way to control your height, so you have to be born with it.

Why Do Height Restrictions Exist?

It can be difficult to perform if someone exceeds the height restriction, especially when working in tanks and airplanes. In such cases, the necessary occupations would be in the air force and navy. Additionally, the Army is constrained by budget and time limitations, making it impractical to create tailored uniforms for recruits who do not meet the height criteria. Therefore, height restrictions are implemented in the army for practical reasons.

How Are Height Measurements Obtained?

As part of the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), Army personnel take height measurements in an inverted manner to assess the physical condition of applicants prior to their induction. New recruits must successfully meet the height measurement criteria before they are officially enlisted.

The compliance restrictions require height measurements to be taken every 6 months. If you are 81 inches or above, it will be rounded up to 82 inches. If your height is noted as 80.5 inches, it will be rounded down to 80 inches. Similarly, if you measure 61 inches, it will be noted as 61 inches, and if you measure 60.9 inches, it will be rounded down to 60 inches. Height measurements are rounded to the nearest whole digit, either up or down.

Are Any Growth Perks Provided?

In spite of surpassing the height stipulations, there have been instances where individuals have been permitted to remain in the armed forces, considering that one’s height is beyond their control and individuals as young as 17 years old can be enlisted into the Army.

David Robinson, the famous 2-time Olympic gold medal winner and basketball player, first entered the US Navy when he was 80 inches tall, just one inch over the Navy’s height restriction at that time of 80 inches. However, he was given an allowance because it was assumed that he wouldn’t grow much more. Unfortunately, this assumption turned out to be a huge miscalculation as Robinson ended up growing to around 85 inches tall, well exceeding the height standard. Instead of being discharged, he was able to continue serving on active duty while also pursuing his basketball career. Later on, he served in the Naval Reserves, where he assisted with recruitment and campaigning efforts.

When considering joining the US military, it is important to be aware that there are height restrictions. Although there may be exceptions in certain cases, these are not well-known and unlikely to happen nowadays. While serving on any US Navy ships later on, Robinson’s height prevented him from being an active part of the Navy, although he still had some involvement.

Men’s Height Requirement for the Army

The ideal height requirement for men in the military is between 80-60 inches or 203-152 cm, and anyone above or below this is likely to be rejected.

Anyone can get accepted within this height range and as long as their weight corresponds to the correct weight limit, the height limits are standard.

Height Requirement for Women in the Army

Males experience a minor variation of 2 inches in terms of height prerequisites. The armed forces mandate that all females should fall within the range of 58-80 inches / 147-203 cm.

Anyone within the required height range can get their weight correct as long as it corresponds to their accepted weight limits.

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Everything You Should Know About Weight Restrictions in the Military

Whether individuals are at their target weight, weight criteria in the military are somewhat more intricate than height restrictions, as they take into account gender, age bracket, and height of an individual.

What is the Reason for Weight Restrictions?

Everyone within the same percentile range is ensured by this continued simplicity, allowing for a variety of weights. Finally, the Army simplifies things such as uniforms and equipment. Moreover, positions in Infantry require someone to carry heavy backpacks, which can damage someone’s bones if they are overweight. Given that most Army jobs require lots of mobility and strength within confined spaces such as tanks or aircraft, being overweight will simply prevent someone from doing their job effectively. Furthermore, keeping track of everyone’s weight is a good overall indicator of their health, ensuring that everyone maintains a healthy weight. The Army has weight limits in place to ensure that everyone is physically fit.

How Are Weight Restrictions Determined?

The weight waiver, also referred to as the Army’s maximum limit for exceeding body fat percentage, indicates that you may be allowed to carry out tests that exceed the limit. If someone weighs 124.6lb, this will be written as 125lb. Weight measurements are rounded up or down to the nearest whole number. As part of the recruitment process, weight measurements are taken every 6 months once a new recruit is sworn in, as well as during the MEPS examination. Similar to height measurements, weight measurements are also taken as part of the process.

What is the Weight Allowance for Waver?

If a new applicant in the army exceeds the maximum weight limit, they may still be sworn in as long as their age and gender fall within the maximum percentage of body fat.

After completing the MEPS, make sure to begin training early to guarantee that you meet the weight criteria. If you intend to join as a fresh enlistee, the rigorous physical Army training alone is sufficient to maintain soldiers’ weight and overall body fat composition.

Weight Restriction Criteria for Males

If you’re enlisted, you’ll need to lose those pounds as well. But don’t let that fool you. If you’re a new recruit, the weight limit is slightly higher. The chart below refers to those who are already serving in the military. The weight limits for new recruits are higher than those who are already serving in the military.

Weight Limit Criteria for Females

The soldiers who have already enlisted in the army are also referenced in the chart below. New recruits receive a small additional allowance. It is important to note that the age and height requirements apply to both women and men. Your weight needs to fit into the appropriate slot based on your specific age and height.

Height and Weight Criteria for the Navy and Air Force

The height and weight limits have a slightly stricter stance, while the reasons for needing these limits remain unchanged. The height and weight requirements for the US Navy and Air Force vary slightly.

Requirements for Weight and Height in the Navy

If they pass the body fat percentage test, they will be measured for the required limits.

Your height and age determine the range of weight, which is from 241lb to 127lb. If you are a female and 70 inches tall, you cannot weigh more than 177lb. For example, if you are a male and 60 inches tall, your maximum weight must be 141lb. The weight standards are based on your gender and height. If you are applying to the Navy as an applicant, you must be between 57-80 inches tall.

Measurements of Height and Weight for the Air Force

The requirements for height and weight for air force pilots are strict. All candidates for pilots must be:

  • Not shorter than 64 inches and not taller than 77 inches when standing.
  • Approximately 34-40 inches in height when seated.
  • Having a weight ranging from 160-231 pounds.
  • Other requirements for enlisting include having perfect color vision, no history of visual accuracy distance, allergies, fever, or hay fever, and enlisting the force into the air.