How to Convert Knots to MPH [Knots to MPH Chart]

For your convenience, we at PowerSportsGuide have gathered the most frequent transformation figures into a single chart!

Prior to delving into the specifics, let’s commence with the fundamentals.

What is the distinction between knots and miles per hour (MPH)?

The vehicle informs us about the distance it travels in one hour. MPH is the commonly used abbreviation for miles per hour, a widely recognized unit of speed.

Miles per hour is utilized in the United States, United Kingdom, and several smaller nations to gauge the velocity of automobiles.

Knots are commonly used to measure the speed of vessels; it determines how many nautical miles a vessel travels per hour on water.

Knots are typically used to measure distances traveled over the sea, and they are considered a nautical rate. Knots are often abbreviated as kt or kn. For example, 1 knot is usually written as kt or kn. However, it is frequently written as 1 kn.

As “ordinary” miles and nautical miles are not the same, there exists a conversion rate between knots and MPH.

Are you curious about the ratio of knots to miles per hour and how to convert these measurements?

Keep reading!

How do You Convert MPH to Knots?

As one might anticipate, the conversion from MPH to knots is the opposite of the prior calculation.

The conversion formula from knots to MPH is as follows: In simpler terms, by dividing the measurement in knots by 1.15078, you can convert MPH to knots.

  • Knots = miles per hour (MPH) / 1.15078.
  • For instance, here’s the procedure to transform 15 MPH to knots:.

    15 MPH / 1.15078 = 13.03 nautical miles per hour.

    Alternatively, you can also multiply the MPH measurement by 0.868976 to transform it into its knot equivalent.

    15 MPH x 0.868976 = 13.03 nautical miles per hour.

    MPH to Knots Chart

    To simplify things for you, we have gathered a chart displaying the most commonly used transformations from miles per hour (MPH) to knots.


    How do You Convert Knots to MPH?

    You can convert MPH to knots by multiplying the measurement of knots by a conversion ratio of 1.15078, in other words, following the formula for MPH to knots conversion.

  • Miles per hour (MPH) = knots × 1.15078.
  • For instance, here’s the method to convert 8 knots to miles per hour:.

    8 knots = (8 × 1.150779) = 9.2 miles per hour.

    Knots to MPH Chart

    To simplify things for you, we have gathered a chart showcasing the most commonly utilized transformations from knots to miles per hour (MPH).


    Takeaways – FAQs About MPH to Knot Conversion

    As a takeaway, we have addressed the most frequently asked questions regarding the conversion from miles per hour to knots.

    Why do Ships Use Knots Instead of MPH?

    The historical unit of measurement known as a knot began to be used in the 17th century, and it suggests the procedure for measuring evenly spaced knots with a rope, which was used by sailors.

    The tangled rope began to be dragged into the water by the water current when this wooden block, also referred to as a log, chip log, or ordinary log, was fastened to the rope’s end and cast into the ocean.

    Sailors calculated the velocity in “knots” by counting the number of loops pulled into the water within a thirty-second timeframe.

    Since these vintage boats lacked any speed measurement gauge, this was the only way to determine the exact speed on the water.

    What is the Knot to MPH Ratio?

    The ratio of Knots to MPH is 1.15078.

    How Many MPH is a Knot?

    As a general guideline, 1 knot is equivalent to 0.868976 miles per hour.

    What is the Fastest Way to Convert Knots to MPH?

    The speed in knots is equal to 1.15078 multiplied by the speed in MPH. In other words, the fastest way to convert knots to MPH is by multiplying the measurement by 1.15078.

  • Miles per hour (MPH) = knots × 1.15078.
  • What is the Fastest Way to Convert MPH to Knots?

    The conversion of MPH to knots can be done by multiplying the MPH measurement by 0.868976 or alternatively, by dividing the MPH measurement by 1.15078. The quickest method to convert MPH to knots is.

  • Knots = miles per hour (MPH) / 1.15078.
  • Knots are calculated by multiplying miles per hour (MPH) by 0.868976.
  • How Fast is One Knot?

    One knot is equivalent to 0.869 miles per hour, 1.852 kilometers per hour, or 0.514 meters per second.

    Common Knots to MPH Conversions

    What is the equivalent speed of 1 knot in miles per hour (MPH)?

    1 knot is equivalent to 1.15 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 2 knots in miles per hour?

    2 knots are equivalent to 2.30 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 3 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    3 knots are equivalent to 3.45 miles per hour.

    What is the speed of 4 knots in miles per hour?

    4 knots are equivalent to 4.60 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 5 knots in miles per hour?

    5 knots are equivalent to 5.76 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 6 knots in miles per hour?

    6 knots are equivalent to 6.91 miles per hour (MPH).

    What is the equivalent speed of 7 knots in miles per hour?

    7 knots are equivalent to 8.06 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 8 knots in miles per hour?

    8 knots are equivalent to 9.21 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 9 knots in miles per hour?

    9 knots are equivalent to 10.36 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 10 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    10 knots are equivalent to 11.51 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 15 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    15 knots are equivalent to 17.27 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 18 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    18 knots are equivalent to 20.72 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 20 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    20 knots are equivalent to 23.02 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 21 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    21 knots are equivalent to 24.17 MPH.

    What is the equivalent speed of 22 knots in miles per hour?

    22 knots are equivalent to 25.32 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 23 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    23 knots are equivalent to 26.47 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 24 knots in miles per hour?

    24 knots are equivalent to 27.62 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 25 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    25 knots are equivalent to 28.78 MPH.

    What is the equivalent of 28 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    28 knots are equivalent to 32.23 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 30 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    30 knots are equivalent to 34.53 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 40 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    40 knots are equivalent to 46.04 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 41 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    41 knots are equivalent to 47.19 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 42 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    42 knots are equivalent to 48.34 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 43 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    43 knots are equivalent to 49.49 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 44 knots in miles per hour?

    44 knots is equivalent to 50.64 MPH.

    What is the equivalent speed of 45 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    45 knots are equivalent to 51.80 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 46 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    46 knots are equivalent to 52.95 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 47 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    47 knots are equivalent to 54.10 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 48 knots in miles per hour?

    48 knots are equivalent to 55.25 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent of 49 knots in miles per hour?

    49 knots are equivalent to 56.40 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 50 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    50 knots are equivalent to 57.55 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 500 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    500 knots are equivalent to 575.5 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 510 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    510 knots are equivalent to 587.01 MPH.

    What is the equivalent speed of 520 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    520 knots are equivalent to 598.5 miles per hour.

    What is the equivalent speed of 525 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    525 knots are equivalent to 604.3 MPH.

    What is the equivalent speed of 550 knots in miles per hour (MPH)?

    550 knots are equivalent to 633.1 MPH.