How to Smoke Weed Resin

The resin transforms and solidifies into these potential forms. After smoking cannabis, you will be left with tar and ash in your bowl. Cannabis is often considered as a gift that keeps on giving.

If your supplier is unavailable or you’re feeling too lazy to visit a cannabis store, smoking resin can be an alternative option.

Until they can obtain additional marijuana, they rely on resin. Although the high from smoking resin is not as potent as smoking buds, it is still an option. Prior to smoking tar, keep in mind that you are consuming resin.

It consists mainly of tar, which is made up of traces of toxic substances such as charcoal and ash. It is sticky and black, with a burnt flavor. If you do not clean it after smoking multiple sessions on your bong or pipe, the sticky residue that builds up is it.

Choosing to smoke resin occasionally does not mean that this habit does not have any consequences. It simply means that you should not make it a regular habit. It is important to be mindful of how unhealthy it can be, even when you choose to smoke it on rare occasions.

What are the different ways of smoking resin?

How do you scrape pipe resin?

However, only scrape from glass or solid metal pipes. Occasionally, you might have to be creative as each pipe varies slightly. The method to scrape resin from the pipe is absolutely necessary.

Here are some materials that will help you scrape the resin out of your bowl. Please be aware that this is going to be a messy situation, so try to avoid as much contact with clothing and skin as possible.

  • You must have the ability to effortlessly navigate around bends. Any flexible object, such as a paperclip or hairpin, will be necessary.
  • Lighter: Igniting the resin will heat it up and facilitate the process of scraping it.
  • Using resin on objects you intend to keep nearby can create a messy situation. To prevent this, consider using wax paper or gum paper as a disposable, non-stick surface for collecting your resin. It is essential to have parchment paper on hand.
  • It is a handy tool to have around, but it is not required. It can be purchased at shops or online, which is useful for scraping out bowls – a useful tool for smokers.
  • Weed resin vs. Live resin

    Cannabis concentrates are widely recognized as live resin, whereas the leftover substance discovered in pipes and bongs is referred to as weed resin, necessitating the need for differentiation.

    The taste characteristics of the marijuana plant are very similar to those of live resin, a premium concentrate that is rich in cannabinoids and terpenes, obtained through the extraction of fresh cannabis trichomes.

    The chemical constituents are obtained through a butane extraction method after the fresh plant material has been frozen. This powerful product contains elevated amounts of THC, CBD, terpenes, and other cannabinoids (typically twice as much as the original sourced plant).

    Will resin get me high?

    Obtaining an equivalent level of intoxication as real flower will necessitate a significantly larger amount of resin. It is still feasible to experience a state of intoxication from resin, notwithstanding the fact that a significant portion of the THC will burn off when you ignite your cannabis. Resin possesses a considerably lower THC concentration compared to flower.

    You will need a lot more resin to get high, which implies that the flower will not last very long.

    Inhaling extra butane through the flame lighter while holding the bowl for a longer time may result in increased heat, as resin smoking requires. However, this can rapidly irritate your lungs and throat, as well as produce harsh and dense smoke. Additionally, the smoke is thick.

    What are the different ways of smoking resin

    Recommendations for kindling resin can be found here. Some options outshine others, but none of them are exceptionally satisfactory. There are multiple methods to consume resin.


    You shouldn’t anticipate a high-quality joint, but you’ll still experience some smoke. Due to the density of resin, airflow will be limited throughout the joint. The burning process of flower is slower compared to resin.


    There are numerous durable wax pens and weed vaporizers available on the market, but it is not recommended to use them because they can potentially ruin your vaporizer, especially to some extent.

    More intense heat will be required, as resin evaporates at a significantly higher temperature compared to THC. Eliminating the aroma emanating from your vape can prove challenging. The resin can result in an unusual scent or flavor in your vape device.

    Edibles or tea

    It is feasible. However, it is not advisable and quite frankly repulsive, certain individuals assert producing resin tea by simmering their pipe in water and subsequently brewing tea with the concoction.

    It is unnecessary to say that the last result should be an absolute no when it comes to consuming resin through drinking or eating. Although the taste will be absolutely dreadful, there is also a way to consume edibles resin that contains small traces of THC.


    The best way to approach smoking resin and favorite is to use a water filter like a bubbler or bong, which can even improve the harshness of the smoke.

    Dry heat the pipe

    The resin is already present in your pipe, so why would you make it difficult for yourself? It’s a nice aspect of this method that you won’t have to scrape out any resin from your pipe.

    If the actual flower had been in the bowl, the resin will emit smoke and heat up the pipe with just a few puffs.