Hulk Hogan on Racial Slur Scandal: ‘Please Forgive Me … People Get Better’

Following controversy surrounding his acknowledged utilization of the n-word, Hulk Hogan, a twelve-time world wrestling champion, single-handedly revolutionized the sport of wrestling into a worldwide sensation with his distinctive leg drop, horseshoe mustache, and indisputable power. However, he is currently battling to uphold his esteemed reputation.

He passionately pleaded for forgiveness from his fans and adamantly denied being a racist. Hogan, in an emotional and remorseful interview aired on ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Monday, discussed the circumstances surrounding him and expressed contrition.

In addition to the scandal involving his use of the n-word in the past, the 62-year-old is currently embroiled in a legal battle with gossip website Gawker Media following the publication of excerpts from a secretly recorded tape that is believed to have been recorded between 2006 and 2007.

Heather Dietrick, the president and general counsel of Gawker, has contended that the release of those excerpts from the sex tape constituted a matter of significance. Hogan is currently suing Gawker Media for a sum of $100 million.

Gawker Media informed ABC News that the racist recording originates from an entirely separate tape that is unrelated to the lawsuit and has no connection to its unauthorized release or public dissemination. Hogan’s team argues that the audio capturing Hogan making racist remarks comes from a different section of the identical tape.

Terry Bollea, born behind the indestructible man once known as “Hulkster,” was wiped from the WWE’s Hall of Fame last month after his racially offensive slur was exposed.

He used the racial slur, referring to his daughter’s then partner when Hogan informed Robach that he had been “disturbed by an incident that occurred” between his daughter, Brooke Bollea, and her partner.

Hogan said that he had no idea where I was pointing to when I said, “I wanted to kill myself, you know?”

He explained how he sat alone in his bathroom, with his separated wife and children absent.

“I was completely broken and destroyed and said, ‘What’s the easiest way out of this?’ I mean, I was lost,” he said.

When asked if he had thoughts of ending his own life, Hogan responded, “Yes, I did.”

Then Robach inquired: “Do you hold prejudiced views based on race?”

Uttering that term, we exchanged greetings, my companions and I, all hailing from an exceptionally challenging locality, with a significantly meager income. Furthermore, it occurred in south Tampa, namely Port Tampa, which is where I was raised, making me comprehend that one acquires characteristics from their surroundings, as individuals inevitably do. However, he appended, confessing, “It was unjust. I feel ashamed of it,” referring to my previous statement that I should have never uttered, yet I want to emphasize that I am not prejudiced.

He added that the term was “simply tossed around as if it held no significance.”

When asked if it was justifiable to claim that he acquired a racial prejudice, Hogan admitted that he did.

“I believe it is a reasonable statement,” he expressed. “That is what they would say to me, ‘Good morning,’ and so on, when they would greet me in the morning. This was a common occurrence in the environment where I was raised, in south Tampa, with both my black and white friends. To hear this word on a daily basis was a normal part of my upbringing. The way my black and white friends greeted me in the morning, saying ‘Good morning,’ and all that, that’s what they would say to me,” he explained. I would consider that to be quite fair.

Regarding his supporters who may feel disappointed by his behavior, Hogan requested forgiveness.

He said, “I apologize. I apologize,”. “If you take a comprehensive view of the entire picture of Hulk Hogan, you can see that there is no racism in my body throughout all these years,”. Wow, oh my.

He declared that he has granted himself forgiveness, informing Robach that it was not challenging for him to achieve since he is not a prejudiced person.

He said, “Do I know Bollea Terry? You know, he’s the guy who slams giants, bang bang bang, and rips his shirt off like Hulk Hogan. You know, I’m actually a nice guy.”

The iconic wrestler was terminated and his reputation and identity were eradicated from the WWE’s Hall of Fame. The WWE – previously known as the WWF – implemented extreme measures.

Hogan was astonished.

He exclaimed, “Never in my entire life have things unfolded in such a manner, and throughout my entire career, I have accomplished everything that I set out to achieve… For nearly three decades, I have dedicated my time and efforts to working for the WWE.”

He characterized the actions of the WWE as “destructive.”

He expressed, “And – it completely devastated me. And I was aware that remarkable opportunities were still on the horizon. I have sacrificed my physical well-being due to my immense passion for this endeavor … I have dedicated my entire existence to this industry,” he stated. “I mean, it has consumed my life. I mean, my adoration for this industry knows no bounds.

Several prominent personalities are currently rallying behind him, including Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, George Foreman, and Dennis Rodman.

Facebook also has his daughter coming to her defense by writing a poem about her father: “It seems like it’s not just one thing, I can tell you that. He is not perfect and perfection is not human.” He taught me that there are much more shades than I could ever tell. If you knew my dad, you would know that he raised me well.

Hogan stated that if anyone ought to have disowned him, it should have been his own daughter.

He expressed, “However, instead, she demonstrated greater affection towards me than anyone else. Despite my need to express my frustrations and anger towards her, she should have been the one – she should have been the one to dismiss me like garbage.” He has witnessed my interactions with these children through Make A Wish, as well as various other organizations. She has observed me – children from diverse backgrounds, of different ethnicities… She is familiar with who I am.

According to him, his daughter has always remained steadfast.

He exclaimed, “You are my father. I adore you. I am not angry with you because I do not even need to pardon you … She immediately expressed that she has been incredibly understanding.”

Hogan is attempting to transform the encounter into a favorable one.

I did say it, if I tell you something. I am accountable and I think a lot of eyes are open, it’s going to be the beginning of my demise. I refuse to believe that thing which is not who I am and is not who I did. Just don’t throw them away, don’t throw away good people. You just know because a person makes a mistake.

Hogan said, “It sounds crazy, but you know what? This is going to be the greatest day of my life, even though he calls it the worst day of his life.”

“Why would it be the most memorable day of your life?” Robach inquired.

It’s not acceptable, it’s not acceptable if I don’t let movies or songs with rap in them. Let’s remove it from the dictionary. You can’t just use the word and “there can’t be double standards if people don’t understand this can become the greatest day in my life,” he said.

It is important to surround yourself with good company. Every day, it is crucial to surround yourself with positive and supportive individuals. The world can be a sad place, but it is important to remember that your career can be wiped out in just a day. Something you said years ago or even 10 years ago can still have an impact on your life today. It is possible that something you said during your high school years, whether it was a negative comment or a bad judgment, can still haunt you. It is important to be mindful of the words we speak, especially during moments when everyone is at their lowest point. As Hogan stated, “Words have the power to either build someone up or tear them down.”