Today, the matter of subjudice remains in the Supreme Court, including all other courts under its jurisdiction. Initially, the matter was heard and eventually reached the courts of law. The activists demanded the right to enter the Hindu temples and the portals of the mosque to perform Hindu rituals and prayers. As a result, the usual cry and hue ensued. So, it was discovered that the Mosque Gyanvapi located in Banaras, Uttar Pradesh, was actually constructed by Aurangzeb in 1669 upon the demolition of an older Shiva temple. This fact, without much substance, was explained clearly by some Hindu activists, but the whole story was not clearly explained by both the social and mainstream media in India. As a result, some nations in the Arab Muslim world, particularly in the Middle East, have suspended or withdrawn their relationships in commerce and trade, causing a big jolt to the Muslim world and creating controversy. This controversy has stirred up a big feel in the Muslim world, especially for the cause of the Muslim nations in the Arab world. BJP spokesperson, the 37-year-old firebrand superstar Nupur Sharma, has recently kicked up such a controversy.
When Aisha reached the age that the Prophet Muhammad wanted to marry her, she got married to him and this drove Nupur, the Prophet’s wife, to argue vehemently. Although Aisha was still a child when the marriage was consummated, the Muslim respondents reacted furiously when it was revealed that she had turned the age of Aisha. The Prophet, who later became a founder of Islam, wanted to marry at the age of 50 and needed wives to help him take care of his children and do housework. In an attempt to neutralize and negate the claims made by Ling’ Shiv, an ordinary object of the Muslim respondent who claims that Prophet Muhammad made caustic remarks about Prophet Muhammad and tried to cool down the controversy, Nupur commendably organized debates on The Times Now show. Despite the cacophony of debates, the show aimed to construe the truth and let people know the conclusions drawn from the talk. The controversy still raged on, with television sharks organizing discussions to keep the controversy alive. When the Muslim defendants resisted the demands for entry, the Hindus made vociferous demands, claiming that the excavation of Ling’ Shiv was not a man-carved fountainhead but a deity.
The statements made by Nupur about the prophet, which were irresponsible and inappropriate, were absolutely out of context and taste bad. It is understandable that the Indian authorities, as well as the Muslims in the Middle East, are still fuming and raging about it. The controversy has not died down yet, as no actions have been taken against Nupur and Naveen. However, both Nupur and Naveen later unconditionally apologized. Despite being expelled from the party, Naveen, the other guy, preached and pursued non-secular and irresponsible statements. The saffron brigade, which claims to be secular and tolerant, disowned Nupur’s statements, calling them unacceptable outpourings from fringe elements. The party bosses also disowned Nupur’s remarks, stating that they could not defend them in any way. The BJP government was badly fixed in this remark, as it caused grievous hurt among Muslims around the world.
It is nearly impossible for history to fully encompass the profound impact it has had on countless individuals. However, it is important to acknowledge that any religious or faith-based system, including Islam, should never endorse the killing of non-Muslims or any form of violence. It is quite absurd to suggest that the Islamic belief system, prevalent in Arabia, would have eradicated all non-Muslim tribes if Muslims were commanded by Allah to kill all non-Muslims, whom they refer to as ‘Kafirs’. This notion is not only false, but it also undermines the core principles of Islam. It is crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of the holy Quran and its teachings before making any sweeping generalizations about Islam. Furthermore, it is essential to recognize that the actions of a few misguided individuals do not define the entire Muslim community.
The topic of prohibiting coerced conversion, in accordance with the Quranic principle that there is “no coercion in matters of faith” (Quran 2:256), is rarely discussed. The verse Q6:108 is the sole mention of blasphemy (sabb) in the Quran, urging Muslims not to blaspheme against the deities of other religions, for fear that individuals from those religions may retaliate by blaspheming against Allah. However, it is indeed true that any form of idolatry is condemned in Islam (Quran 112:2). Muslims firmly believe that worshipping any gods or deities other than Allah is a sin that will only lead to separation from Allah, and nothing more.
In order to eliminate others, some men desire the mechanism that promotes violent and self-centered attitudes. It is important to note that God does not endorse any command to kill and go against the beliefs of believers. It is worth mentioning that instances of non-Christians killing Christians, as well as non-Muslims killing Muslims, can be cited. In comparison to Christianity and Judaism, Islam is often seen as more tolerant and less likely to promote violence against non-Muslims. Muslims in Western countries, including the United States of America, have been quite successful in convincing others not to harm them.
The Muslims of Afghanistan are kind and gentle, except for the hardcore Taliban or similar groups. Even most Hindus and Christians, or Buddhists from China, are not as welcoming and accepting as the people from these countries. Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan, the former Soviet states in Central Asia, also have devout and admirable Muslims. Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, has the most devout and admirable Muslims. The Jews in Israel, who were resettled there after World War II, present a constant threat in addition to the ongoing struggle for dominance among different Islamic subgroups and communities and the fight for survival in the challenging Middle East region with its harsh climate, lack of water, and vegetation. Only Muslims in the Middle East region have resorted to violence in recent centuries due to these factors. Careful observations support this conclusion.
We must understand that Islam, as taught by Prophet Muhammad, is not a religion that promotes violence or intolerance. It is important to recognize that individuals who commit acts of hatred and intolerance do so by misinterpreting the principles of Islam. It is incorrect to assume that Islam prescribes hatred or intolerance towards individuals of other faiths.