“Lovers Not but Couple, Married a Than More” is a Japanese anime series that serves as an adaptation of the illustrated and written manga series “Miman Koibito, Ijou Fuufu” by Kanamaru Yuki.
The story follows the journey of Watanabe Akari and Yakuin Jiro, who are distressed to find out that they have been paired up under the school’s couple program. If they want to make their arranged marriage work, they’ll have to switch partners, as they are also interested in pursuing their own crushes.
Mother Studio produced the first season of the anime, which officially ran for 12 episodes from December 25, 2022, to October 9, 2022, on various local networks in Japan.
The anime was streamed by Crunchyroll outside of Japan with both subtitles and dubbed versions, and it garnered a positive response from both viewers and critics. The various antics between the main couple were adored, and most people praised it for its flawless combination of humor, emotions, and romance.
Overall, it was deemed a success among enthusiasts of romance and slice-of-life anime.
The other members of the production committee, including Kadokawa, the publisher, and Mother Studio, have not officially renewed the second season of the anime.
Regrettably, Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman was not part of this group, but many anime series are able to secure another season immediately following the conclusion of the initial season.
Production Studios consider various commercial and financial metrics before announcing a renewal, making it possible to speculate whether a new season of anime will get evaluated carefully by these three factors.
I have used the same method for Eminence in Shadow, Takagi-san and World Trigger and so far it has proven to work.
We will now analyze these factors to determine whether the anime “If More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers” will receive a sequel.
Is there enough material available for “More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers” Season 2?
More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers anime is a faithful adaptation of the manga series crafted by Yuki Kanamaru.
It began its publication in Kadokawa’s Young Ace Magazine in March 2018.
In Japan, a fresh edition is published every half a year. The most recent edition was unveiled on May 2, 2023, and the initial edition of the manga was released on October 26, 2018.
A grand total of ten volumes have been released up to this point, and the manga is still in progress.
The first season of the anime adapted the first 10 volumes, leaving behind 6 volumes worth of content, which is enough to create another season of 12 episodes.
The good news is that Mother Studio has enough material to start working on a new season right away, as there are currently 6 volumes of available source material to adapt from.
Moreover, the series is still ongoing with a consistent release of new volumes, so that’s a big plus for getting a sequel.
Manga Sales and Profitability
Before we proceed, it is important to understand that the primary purpose of today’s anime is to promote sales and attract a wider audience for the source material, in this case, manga.
The main source of income for producers is the merchandise related to manga and sales. Sales of Blu-ray and licensing for streaming online are also considered secondary, along with revenue from advertising fees.
Generally, a 12-episode anime TV show requires approximately $3,000,000 for production.
Therefore, an anime has the ability to make much money back through fees from licensing and sales of merchandise, in order to ensure a new season for the producers.
By April 2023, More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers had achieved a circulation of 1 million copies.
In that aspect, the More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers manga is doing reasonably well, so generally, a romance manga with 500,000 to 1,000,000 copies in circulation is regarded as prosperous. In conclusion,
The average range is still falling, with the count of copies only increasing by 100k in the later six months. Over the course of four years, there was an increase of 200k copies in serialization, and the series had a circulation count of 800k copies aired before the anime adaptation in September 2022. It also appears that the anime adaptation did not have a significant impact on the sales of the series.
Blu-ray/ DVDs and other Merchandise sales
DVDs and Blu-rays are no longer key players in determining the success of an anime show’s popularity among the general Japanese audience. However, they still serve as a great tool to understand the show’s popularity among the general audience in Japan, if the sales of the anime’s disc in the second season are promising.
Regarding More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers, the situation appears unfavorable.
The sales numbers for the first volume of the DVD/Blu-ray of Miman Koibito, Ijou Fuufu were so low that it couldn’t even make it to Oricon’s weekly sales ranking, which means it couldn’t manage to sell more than 200 copies.
However, it is important to note that sales of Blu-ray are no longer the only significant factor in measuring the success of a show, as streaming fees have become increasingly important in the industry.
Based on the sales numbers, it appears that the anime Lovers Not But Couple, Married failed to generate a profit for its producers, which is not a promising sign for the show’s future release on home video.
It is possible for the show to manage to recoup its production costs through sales of merchandise and licensing fees, so there may still be hope for its continuation.
More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers‘s Popularity in Japan and the West
Since that time, its fame has increased even more, and manga was already quite well-liked in Japan before the anime’s debut, but not Loversmanga, More Than a Married Couple.
Manga’s Popularity
The series, which primarily focuses on light novels, is among the top-selling romance titles from Kadoakawa. It has consistently appeared on Oricon’s Best Selling Manga chart with a total volume of 9k units sold, achieving the first-place position for 11 consecutive releases.
Anime’s Popularity
The debut anime quickly became one of the most-talked-about shows on Twitter, including websites such as AbemaTV and Anime D-Anime Store, as well as various streaming platforms. It quickly rose to the top rankings among the most-watched shows of the Spring 2022 season and was highly anticipated in Japan.
On NicoVideo, Japan’s largest hosting site which is their version of YouTube, the premiere episode received over 78k views and 8k comments.
Overseas popularity
The debut run of the anime adaptation Miman Koibito Ijou, Fuufu received positive reception from critics and viewers in the West, with many praising it for being even better than some aspects of the source material.
The series has garnered positive reviews from viewers around the world, earning a decent score of 7.5 on MyAnimeList and ranking at #934 in popularity. It has a large following, with more than 237k members in the ratings of terms and Cuckoos of couple A and Cutie Shikimori beating group on MAL.
Despite its recent inception, the series has garnered immense popularity. Additionally, it has earned a respectable rating of 7.4/10 on IMDb and a commendable approval rating of 76% on AniList.
The series has gained a significant following in both the West and Japan, indicating a loyal and strong fanbase. It has generated a ton of revenue from merchandise sales.
It is no longer a question if Season 2 of Lovers Not But Couple Married will be announced soon, but rather when it will get a new season. With enough source material and the potential to make even more sales.
More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers Season 2 Release Date and Countdown
It is likely that a new season will air sometime in late 2023 or early 2024, but the release date has not been confirmed yet for the show “2 Season Lovers Not But Couple Married a Than More” in May 2023.
This is because the first season premiered in October 2022 and typically takes place from October to April, producing episodes for years 1-2.
Therefore, readers need to keep in mind that these are just speculations, as no official announcements have been made yet.
The declaration in the upcoming months can be anticipated. We will revise this area once an official statement is made, so stay vigilant for it.
Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman Season 2 Countdown:
According to the provided details, here is the countdown to the release of the second season of Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.
More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers Season 2 Trailer
There is no trailer available yet for Season 2 of Lovers Not But, but we will update this page on their official YouTube channel once it is released.
Here’s the trailer for the first season, which you should watch to remember how heartwarming it was.
What will happen in More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers Season 2?
The next season of Miman Koibito Ijou, Fuufu will start with the adaptation of the fifth volume, which includes chapters 61 to 69.
Amazon Japan defines the contents of the fifth volume in the following manner:.
On the other hand, Hoshi discovered his emotions for Jiro after working a temporary job.
Final Words !!
It takes time for a new season to be animated, so don’t expect the release date for the second season to be before 2023. However, we should hear some news about it this year, and there is a good chance that it will happen, but it will involve a married couple rather than just two season lovers.