Nueva ley de deportación en Estados Unidos: en qué consiste y sus consecuencias

Suitable travel documents found are provided by this law for individuals to process for the necessary authorities without a border. The new deportation law in the United States is based on Title 8 of the United States Code, Section 2023.

Those who do not have a legal basis to stay in the United States can face significant consequences, including a five-year ban on reentry under Title 8.

In the country, those who do not have a legal basis to stay can be subjected to an accelerated expulsion process, as the government allows for quick repatriation.

The United States will now require people who seek asylum from any country along their route to submit their asylum application through a mobile application, which will also be affected by the length of their journey.

Those who arrive in the United States without having fulfilled this requirement could face deportation and a ban on reapplying for asylum for at least five years.

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    The situation at the border between the United States and Mexico is complicated due to the increasing number of migrants, and they hope that the number of migrants crossing into the United States will increase by the end of Title 42.

    There is an increasing number of people trying to cross the border under the mistaken belief that there are changes announced in the immigration policy of the United States, despite the fact that this belief is incorrect.

    However, the United States has never had a policy of deporting and detaining migrant individuals and has instead utilized various legal mechanisms and maintained open borders.

    For decades, the United States has swiftly detained and deported migrants, even though Title 42 was in effect during the Trump Administration.

    The United States increased deportations. This law was a health norm that allowed the expulsion of people who crossed the border illegally. It expired with Title 42.

    However, once expired, the United States government ceased the usual processing of unauthorized border crossings, in accordance with the usual proprietary laws. This measure was taken with the objective of preventing the spread of the virus.


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  • Consequences of the New Deportation Law in the United States

    Reimplementing Title 8 in the United States entails a series of significant consequences. Some of these consequences include:

    1. Increase in the duration of the process

    Under Title 8, the process of handling unauthorized border crossings will take longer compared to the use of Title 42.

    This situation could be resolved before migrants are interned in centers, as a result of the more exhaustive and judicial hearings that include the standard legal procedures established in Title 8, which must be followed.

    2. Detention Conditions

    Immigrant detention centers often face challenges in maintaining adequate conditions and capacity. Problems can arise and increase during the duration of the processing.

    The implementation of Title 8 without addressing these infrastructure and capacity issues could worsen the inhumane conditions in these centers.

    3. Accumulation of cases and delays

    The United States’ asylum and immigration system is already facing significant challenges and pressure in managing cases of quantity, capacity, and resource terms.

    In the immigration court proceedings, if these issues are not adequately resolved through the implementation of Title 8, there is a possibility of encountering substantial delays and backlog of cases.

    Their situation could increase uncertainty and prolong the stay of migrants in their legal limbo.

    4. Impact on asylum applications

    The United States will require individuals who seek asylum through a mobile application from any country along their route to submit Title 8, Section B, which affects asylum requests. The new deportation law also affects asylum applications.

    Those who arrive without having fulfilled this requirement could face at least five years of reapplying for asylum and facing deportation.

    Seeking protection, they aim to expand the options for individuals, as this restricts their choices and could increase vulnerability for those who flee dangerous situations in their home countries.


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