The sixth installment of Orange Is The New Black concluded with a recap of the events that occurred at the end. Prior to delving into the ultimate season, here is a summary of the concluding events. Season six was characterized by intense drama, featuring a new location and numerous unfamiliar inmates to acquaint oneself with. After the tumultuous riot in the fifth season, the Litchfield inmates were confined to maximum security throughout the previous season. It has been a year since their last appearance, but now the seventh and final season of Orange Is The New Black has finally been released on Netflix.
Overview of the sixth season of Orange Is The New Black series
The Litchfield maximum security prison was divided into different cell blocks, each led by new leaders. Although the prisoners were initially blamed for his death, it was actually his SWAT team comrades who were responsible for the murder of CO Piscatella. The main storyline of the series revolves around the consequences of the season five riot, specifically the death of CO Piscatella. Before revealing the ending, there are a few important aspects to keep in mind about season six.
Quick summaries of characters in just 30 seconds!
Other important plotlines in series five included Daya resorting to OxyContin as a means of dealing with her new environment and extended prison term following her murder of CO Humphrey. It is highly probable that this will remain a significant plotline in series seven, alongside Daya’s mother Aleida persisting in smuggling drugs into the correctional facility with the assistance of her boyfriend/CO Hopper.
What occurred in the conclusion of the sixth season of Orange Is The New Black?
In the sixth season, fortunately, none of the main characters were killed, but there were some horrifying fatalities. In the final episode, the feuding sisters Carol and Barbara, who managed different cell blocks and instigated a massive gang conflict, were discovered deceased after fatally stabbing each other amidst a heated dispute over attempting to eliminate Frieda. Frieda, who had been their target throughout the entire series, subsequently disclosed that she had informed on them during her earlier years at the prison.
To prevent any further extension of her sentence, Cindy struck a bargain to provide testimony against her, an instance that deeply saddened Taystee upon learning about her closest comrade. Cindy was wrongly convicted and falsely accused as the primary instigator of the uprising, despite being innocent of CO Piscatella’s murder. Moreover, concerns arise about Lorna’s future due to her premature labor, which could have adverse effects on both her and the baby. Unfortunately, Taystee also received a life sentence, adding to her misfortune.
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Will the truth finally be revealed for Taystee in the seventh season?
Blanca, who was originally held in an immigration detention center, was not only immediately transferred but also released. Sophia, a fellow inmate, also received early release with a substantial payment for her silence about the shocking treatment in the prison. Alex and Piper, who were in jail together, finally decided to “marry” before her release. The biggest surprise for Piper, however, was her early release from prison, as she wanted to get rid of Hopper, a correctional officer, who knew about her involvement in drug dealing while in prison.
What can we expect in the seventh season of Orange Is The New Black?
Since she has regained her freedom, there is speculation that she may embark on writing the memoir she initially discussed during season six. A significant aspect of the narrative revolves around Piper’s adaptation to life outside prison and her separation from her ‘spouse’ Alex, who still has four years remaining in her sentence. Naturally, the female inmates of Litchfield confront the reality that their time in prison has permanently transformed them in the concluding season, as Netflix has hinted. There is no need to endure any further anticipation to witness how Piper navigates her newfound freedom, as the final season is currently available for streaming on Netflix.