Orlando police officer arrested after speeding through traffic, swerving around car in bodycam video

Based on the dashcam recording, it is claimed that Officer Alexander Shaouni of the Orlando Police drove at a speed of 80 mph in a zone where the speed limit is 45 mph, all while not using any lights or sirens in his clearly identifiable patrol vehicle.

The fast-moving police car was chased by the deputy from the sheriff’s department, who switched on his sirens, made a U-turn in a neighboring driveway, after catching sight of Shaouni zooming ahead of him on a nearby street.

Traveling along the narrow road, the deputy had to accelerate to over one hundred miles per hour — and Shaouni was already out of sight by the time the deputy made a U-turn.

“Going at speeds exceeding 100 miles per hour in an attempt to apprehend him,” the deputy states during the pursuit.

Once again, he quickly drove off, pulling over briefly to turn on his own lights before finally catching up to Shaouni’s fleeing car when the deputy arrived.

The chasing deputy shouts from the car window, questioning Shaouni if he intends to stop once he eventually halts.

Shaouni inquires, “What are you engaged in?” “Why are you attempting to halt me while I am on my way to my workplace?” I am on my way to my workplace, my buddy.

Orlando Police Officer Alexander Shaouni allegedly drove 80 mph in a 45 mph zone in his marked patrol car without any light or sirens on.
Orlando Police Officer Alexander Shaouni allegedly drove 80 mph in a 45-mph zone in his marked patrol car without any light or sirens on.
When the deputy finally caught up to the fleeing patrol car, Shaouni seemingly turned his own lights on and briefly pulled over before he drove off again.
Once again, he quickly drove off, pulling over briefly to turn on his own lights before finally catching up to Shaouni’s fleeing car when the deputy arrived.

“Since you are driving at 80 in a 45,” the deputy responds.

Shaouni responds, “In what attire do I appear, in what attire do I appear to be dressed,” before exhibiting his uniform, featuring an Orlando police vest. “I am preparing to commence my duties.”

The deputy then requests Shaouni for his driver’s license as he tries to carry out the traffic stop.

Shaouni got out of his vehicle and confronted the deputy, asking what he was doing.
Shaouni got out of his vehicle and confronted the deputy, asking what he was doing.
The deputy attempted to conduct a traffic stop on Shaouni, but the officer denied handing over his license and hopped into his car.
The deputy attempted to conduct a traffic stop on Shaouni, but the officer declined to hand over his license and hopped into his car.

Once again pursuing, the deputy starts to chase Shaouni, who declines to surrender his driver’s license and jumps back into his patrol vehicle.

The Post examined a reservation record that stated Shaouni was accused of obstructing a law enforcement officer, driving recklessly, and evading a police officer who had their lights and sirens on.

The bodycam footage displayed his name on the front of his police vest, whereas officials were able to recognize Shaouni by his badge and the number on his police cruiser after the unsuccessful traffic stop.

Shaouni hopped back into his patrol car and took off after he refused to hand over his driver
Shaouni hopped back into his patrol car and took off after he refused to hand over his driver’s license, with the deputy once again giving chase.

Shaouni was released from his responsibilities in the department shortly after the arrest, pending a review.