Primeras críticas a Bullet Train, la nueva película de Bad Bunny y Brad Pitt

Initial reviews tear apart the new film starring Brad Pitt and Bad Bunny: “An abundance of silly jokes”

The initial reviews from critics, which have not been the best, have already begun to emerge because the film’s premiere took place a few days ago.

‘Bullet Train’ has only a 56% approval rating, with over 122 reviews at the time of writing this publication, according to Rotten Tomatoes, a specialized website for film and television reviews.

Below are some of the criticisms.

The Washington Post

“Leitch has delivered a presentable piece, accompanied by a simplistic verbal filling, if you’re craving more on the worn-out subject of bloody and promiscuous battles,” Ann Hornaday.

Richard Crouse

Richard Crouse’s film, “La película toma prestados elementos inspiradores de ambos cineastas, aunque carece del entusiasmo que se encuentra en una colisión frontal entre Ritchie Guy y Quentin Tarantino, como se siente en Train Bullet”.


“Steph Green”, similar to toy monkeys, we perch and cheer gleefully, crafted as a collection of brief appearances and an abundance of nonsensical humor, Bullet Train is demeaned.

FlixChatter Movie Blog

Ruth Maramis, “Brad Pitt is incredibly entertaining, just like Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Brian Tyree Henry, but no one could rescue such a laughable movie”.

NYC Film Expert

“An exhausting, convoluted, and tedious boredom. Another boring movie, too long with a first-rate cast,” Avi Offer.


“Brian Orndorf, Leitch reminds too much of other best films made, with a similar intensity. It wants to be a hilarious and clever fun, but it is too hostile to function as such.”

The Sole Reviewer

Nate Adams, “Bullet Train no se dirige a ningún lugar”, deleitándose en su reciente victoria en los Premios de la Academia, presumiendo del guión y los elementos más absurdos, respaldándose en una película original en estos tiempos, uno de los pocos actores que puede asegurarse la aprobación de Brad Pitt, a pesar de todo.

San Francisco Newspaper

“There are these people on a train who are all like that. Some of them want to kill each other. We don’t really want to know, and we don’t know why not half of the time.”

The Opening Scene

Jeff York, “losing momentum and focus”, after that, the story continues for another half an hour. Unfortunately, it is a great 90-minute film, the new action/comedy movie.