These are the complete lyrics to John Legend and Kelly Clarkson’s ‘woke’ ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ remake

Some particular lyrics in the popular song, which is 70 years old, have been accused of promoting date rape or perpetuating a culture that accepts rape as normal, for example:

“I absolutely have to leave (But darling it’s chilly outside).”

The response is negative (But darling it’s chilly outside).

However, this pair of lines is arguably the most contentious.

“Tell me, what’s in this beverage? (There are no taxis available in that area).”

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center President and CEO Sondra Miller told Fox News last year that, “It really pushed the line of consent.”.

Therefore, Legend and Clarkson have enhanced the song with more socially aware lyrics for 2019, including:.

“I truly cannot remain (Darling, it’s chilly outside).

I have to leave (However, I can give you a ride).


“What will my friends think? (Well, I believe they should celebrate).”

If I consume another beverage? (It’s your physicality and your decision).

The fresh, politically correct version is also receiving a cool reception, but whereas the backlash against the initial tune led numerous radio stations in Cleveland, San Francisco, and certain regions of Canada to cease broadcasting it last year.

Deana Martin, the daughter of the late Dean Martin (who performed one of the most well-liked renditions of the song), expressed her view on the remake as “utterly ridiculous” during her recent appearance on “Good Morning Britain.”

She expressed that it is an exemplary and flawless composition. While she advised against altering the lyrics, she suggested that the person in question should create their own song if they are dissatisfied with this one. “According to her, he is appropriating the attention and recognition that rightfully belongs to the composer Frank Loesser and my father,” she added. “Moreover, she believes that he has infused the song with a more explicit and provocative undertone through his choice of words.”

“Like a master painting, it’s, to me, a piece of art,” chimed in Sharon Osbourne on a recent episode of “The Talk.”

She added, “In the event that someone desired to re-record one of his tracks, and there existed a certain faction that deemed it objectionable, and an individual simply exclaimed, ‘Ah, I have the capability to modify the words of that,’ what actions would John Legend take four decades from now?”

Piers Morgan tweeted about John Legend’s ‘Saint’ lyrics, expressing concern about the inappropriate song lyrics that promote misogyny and sexism. He criticized the rapper for spewing such filth and questioned why he would leave his friends alone outside in the cold.

“Adore him, yet refrain from altering this melody!” And “The fresh words are dreadful.” Resonated with a similar feeling, as expressed by numerous Twitter comments.

Some individuals were more encouraging.

Here are the fresh lyrics. Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Verse 1: Kelly Clarkson & (John Legend).

I truly cannot remain (Baby, it’s chilly outdoors).

I have to leave (However, I can give you a ride).

This evening has been (I’m so delighted that you stopped by).

Spending time with you is absolutely wonderful (It feels like paradise).

My mother will begin to be concerned (I will contact the car and inform him to rush).

My father will be walking back and forth on the floor (Wait, why are you still living at home?).

So, truly, I should hurry (Your driver, his name is Murray).

But perhaps just a half a beverage more (Oh, we are both grown-ups, so who is keeping track?).

What will my friends perceive? (Well I believe they should celebrate).

If I were to consume another beverage? (It’s ultimately up to you and your decision).

Ooh you truly understand how (Your eyes are shining like starlight at present).

To enchant (One glimpse of you and then I tumbled).

I should say, “No, no, no, sir” (Then you really should go, go, go).

At least I’m going to say that I attempted (Well, Murray, he simply arrived outside).

Chorus: Kelly Clarkson, John Legend & Both Singers.

I truly cannot remain.

I comprehend, infant.

Darling, it’s chilly outdoors.

Second verse: Kelly Clarkson & (John Legend).

I just need to go (Text me when you arrive home).

Well, I’m expected to decline (Mm, I suppose that’s admirable).

This greeting has been (I’ve been fortunate that you stopped by).

Very pleasant and cozy (But it’s advisable to visit before it starts raining heavily).

My sibling will be doubtful (Well, gosh your lips look delectable).

My brother will be waiting at the entrance (Oh, he adores my music, darling, I’m certain).

My talkative neighbors without a doubt (I’m a genie, tell me what your wish is).

But perhaps just one more cigarette (Oh, that’s something we should likely investigate).

I need to go back home (Oh, darling, I am fully aware).

Say, loan me a jacket (Oh, keep it girl, I don’t mind).

You’ve truly been magnificent (I sense it when you caress my hands).

But can’t you perceive? (I desire for you to remain, it’s beyond my control).

There is sure to be discussion tomorrow (Well, they can chat, but what do they really understand?).

At least there will be numerous implied (Oh, let them mind their own affairs, and go).

[The chauffeur] Ma’am, I truly cannot remain.

Chorus: Kelly Clarkson & Both.

Darling, simply depart.

It’s chilly, darling.

It’s chilly, darling.

However, oh, I do not want to go.

The weather outside is chilly.