Caroline, the daughter of conservative father Ted Cruz (R-Texas), reportedly took aim at politics by posting a video on TikTok. This week, she cast herself into the public spotlight, but she is no stranger to controversy and ridicule on social media. Senator Cruz has used the platform to engage in public spats with rival lawmakers, and he famously faced backlash on social media for his Cancun jaunt last year.
In a video shared by Caroline Cruz, she mentioned that she strongly disagrees with her father’s conservative views, so she went as far as digitally altering a Christmas card photo from her family to make her clothing appear more LGBTQ-friendly.
It was suggested in the TikTok video that Ms. Cruz implied the fact that Ted Cruz’s teenage daughter identifies as bisexual. The media outlet posted a link to its story on Twitter, promoting the story alongside the caption “Ted Cruz’s teen daughter comes out as bisexual.” Nonetheless,
Caroline Cruz, a 13-year-old, gained viral attention after a video of her went viral. LGTQNation reported on her story, highlighting her self-described profile and the pronouns she uses.
“The story added that if Ted Cruz feels comfortable talking about the subject, he ‘knows’ something about her bisexuality when someone asks him, as shown in a screenshot of a comment thread.”
‘I have not informed him yet, I am somewhat anxious to be honest but I do not think he would be angry about it.’
On social media, she unexpectedly became the topic of discussion – regardless of her age, let alone the fact that it appears that the adolescent hasn’t openly shared her sexual orientation.
(@AngelaBelcamino) Angela Belcamino, a writer/actor, expressed her disapproval and disappointment with her daughter’s decision to follow a conservative path, while she herself embraces liberal values. Does Ted Cruz, her daughter’s father, disown or accept her for coming out as bisexual on TikTok, considering that she is currently trending at the age of 13?
Others have argued that she shouldn’t be subject to such public scrutiny regardless of her being a minor, regardless of who her father may be.
Among those who felt that Caroline Cruz did not deserve such public attention, even after it was the teenager who publicly posted the video, Podcaster and Daily Wire writer Cabot Phillips (@cabot_philipps) expressed his opinion. He tweeted, “The individuals who previously stated that stories about Obama’s daughter in college were inappropriate now have no issue with reporting on Ted Cruz’s 13-year-old daughter.”
Meghan McCain, a columnist for the Daily Mail, wrote about her decision to leave The View (@MeghanMcCain). This is a despicable and unethical abuse of the media, taking advantage of a minor. Ted Cruz’s daughter is only 13 years old.
“Let her and her family be undisturbed. Cruz’s daughter is 13 years old. This is extremely repulsive,” expressed conservative writer J.D. Vance (@JDVance1), conveying the same feeling.
Author and attorney Jill Filipovic (@JillFilipovic) tweeted, “She should undoubtedly be given privacy. The typical adolescent content she shares on TikTok is not a subject of public interest, and her daughter, who is 13, is not involved in politics. However, I strongly dislike Ted Cruz.”
There was a time in the realm of politics when the relatives of elected representatives were regarded as inviolable. Evidently, that is no longer the case in the year 2022.
Susan Campbell, distinguished lecturer at the University of New Haven and advisor to The Charger Bulletin, elucidated, “I desire that journalists uphold the longstanding convention of excluding politicians’ offspring from the equation, regardless of the extent to which those children may attempt to insert themselves.”
Campbell added, “Consider the outcome of the considerable focus on Claudia Conway.” “Is it completely justifiable to criticize a 13-year old?” I comprehend the inclination to concentrate on youngsters who hold different political views from their parents – like in the situation of Ms. Cruz and her father.
The tweet from LGBTQNation.Com could also be fairly described as nothing more than clickbait.
“Allow a 13-year old to have her personal space,” but that’s not entirely the case. Does it really make a difference if it’s accurate? It doesn’t appear to have many reliable sources supporting it. Is it factual? I am troubled by the fact that news organizations are spreading a narrative regarding her sexual preference,” Campbell added.