This list will introduce you to some of the most popular breeds of white and black chicken, from which you can decide one or several that are right for you.
The Rock Barred is a variation of the Plymouth Rock breed, characterized by their unique plumage features. They have feathers that are white with black stripes, giving them a stunning appearance. These chickens are typically kept for their exceptional egg-laying abilities, especially for those in the community who want to sell eggs. On average, they can lay up to 280 eggs per year.
Other chickens, even those with a bad temper, are rarely so. You can also find sweet and docile Barred Rock chickens. They can adapt well to all kinds of environments. These chickens are very resilient and can grow quite large, up to 9.5 pounds.
10. Dominique Chicken
Additionally, the stunning feathers of chickens make them a welcoming addition to any poultry show. Dominique chickens are excellent sources of meat, weighing around 5-7 pounds. They can lay approximately 260 brown eggs. These chickens have white and black barred feathers, similar to the Plymouth Rock Barred. Dominique is the oldest breed of chicken from North America, making it a remarkable sight.
You can consider Dominique as an affordable option for stuffing mattresses and pillows with their sought-after feathers. They are also very fond of freedom and are self-sufficient.
4. Silver Laced Polish Chicken
Can you barely see the eyes of the Silver Laced Polish Chicken because of the size of their bonnet. The gorgeous silver laced pattern continues throughout their body and the feathers stand out at the end. The little unruly feathers on their head give them a comical and endearing appearance. If the name suggests that your hen is a Silver Laced Polish, then you have a lady who will steal the show.
These chickens have an excellent egg-laying capacity, with each hen producing up to 200 eggs per year. Not only do these hens have an affable and timid personality, but they are also not broody. It is not just the Polish chickens that have this unique quality that makes them winners.
9. Cuckoo Marans Chicken
Great show birds are known for their friendliness and elegant appearance. Additionally, you can look forward to the gorgeous chocolate color of their eggs. Hens of this breed can lay around 200 eggs per year. The Marans Cuckoo is a large chicken that weighs around 7 to 9 pounds and can provide both eggs and meat. Although the Marans Cuckoo originates from the town of Marans in France, it is often mistaken for another breed. However, it is distinct from the popular Plymouth Rock Barred chicken, which it closely resembles.
3. Silver Spangled Hamburg
The Hamburg Spangled Silver is appealing to shows and homesteaders because its body is spangled with spots and lacing of black feathers, and it has an upright tail with a couple of spots and a lacing of black feathers. The pattern on the Hamburg Spangled Silver, which is called “dot, polka,” would be better off being white and black.
At approximately 4 months of age, the hens begin their early egg-laying phase. They have the capacity to produce around 250 eggs of medium size annually, yet there exists an additional incentive to acquire a Silver Spangled Hamburg hen.
They will be an economical addition to your flock. The Silver Spangled Hamburg is a little bird that likes to forage for bugs, seeds, and other treats.
15. Silver Spangled Appenzeller
Hailing from Switzerland, the Appenzeller fowl is widespread in Europe and the UK. The population is limited in the US. Appenzeller fowls come in two varieties: Spitzhauben or Barthuhner. The Silver Spangled Appenzeller is a moderate egg producer, weighing approximately 4-5 pounds when fully grown. You can expect to receive about 160 eggs. Their meat is also delicious.
Looking for an Appenzeller Spangled Silver, you may fall in love with their unique feathering. Their bodies are speckled with white and black feathers, and their tails are white and black as well. Upon their heads is a white and black bonnet that covers their combs. They have light pink skin around their eyes, and their wattles are small and red. This breed is very hardy and resistant to cold, making them excellent for climbing and foraging, but they may also be confining.
They make sure to put on a smile on your face, but they may not produce a ton of eggs. Appenzeller Spangled Silver is an overall visually appealing breed with a lot of outstanding attributes.
5. White Crested Black Polish
The Polish Black Crested White actually comes from Poland, not the Netherlands. This particular one is a sight to behold, just like other Polish varieties. Their hands are adorned with a fluffy white crown that is surrounded by a spread of black around their eyes. Apart from their black body, their distinguishing feature is the white plume.
Every year, they lay between 150-200 eggs and reach a weight of approximately 4-6 pounds when fully matured. The Silver Laced Polish chicken is otherwise quite comparable to the White Crested Black Polish.
14. California Gray Chicken
The Gray California is an American breed that was created in the 1930s. It is credited to Professor James Dryden of California for making the idea to breed a chicken that could produce a high level of egg production for more than 2 years. The females are lighter than the males, with an average weight of 4.5 pounds, while the roosters weigh between 5.5-6.5 pounds. This breed is known for its auto-sexing characteristics, meaning that the chicks can be differentiated by their appearance right after hatching.
Male chickens have thicker tail feathers and stand taller, giving them a distinct appearance compared to hens. Both genders have white and black patterned feathers. Sometimes, the black feathers can appear dark brown. Roosters and hens both possess bright red combs and wattles, as well as yellow beaks and white earlobes.
12. Dark Brahma Chicken
Here is another breed of chicken, known as the Dark Brahma. It is a product of crossing a chicken from Shanghai with a Chittagong Grey, resulting in a beautiful bird with feathering that includes heavy feathering on its feet and legs. These chickens have the advantage of thriving in cold weather conditions.
Brahmas are known for their sweet disposition, making them easily your friend birds. If you’re not looking for a dual-purpose chicken, worry not. Dark Brahma hens can lay up to 150 eggs a year, and when fully grown, Brahmas can reach weights of up to 12 pounds, often being used for their meat.
6. Russian Orloff
The breed is also known as Orloff Silver Spangled. It was soon named after him, popularizing this breed since Orlov. This old breed was eventually promoted by Count Orlov during the nineteenth century. Despite being called the breed originated in Persia.
There is no denying that Majestic is a breed of chicken that is white and black. The speckling of white and black between the spacing gives them a little look like a Silver Spangled Hamburg. The spangled pattern of white and black makes them look like a little Hamburg Spangled Silver. Females have predominantly white tails with a couple of black dots. The rooster, on the other hand, will have silvery-white hackles and some iridescence among the black, and silvery-white tails.
When raised in a social environment, these hens exhibit attentiveness, cleverness, inquisitiveness, and amicability. The Russian Orloff variety is adored by individuals residing in frigid regions. Their sturdy frames and diminutive crests enhance their ability to withstand various climatic conditions.
Tasty and juicy, they tip the scales at 6-7 pounds when fully matured. Russian Orloff chickens are primarily utilized for their delectable meat. They can produce approximately 90-100 medium-sized eggs. Nonetheless, they do not exhibit high productivity. Russian Orloff hens commence egg-laying at the age of 24 weeks.
7. Black Laced Silver Wyandotte
The Silver Laced Black Wyandotte is a stunning bird with red wattles and combs, yellow legs, black beaks, and white-tipped feathers. They are known to grow between 8.5-6.5 pounds on average and can produce eggs for around a year. They are rarely broody and are popular as pets. However, the Wyandotte breed was primarily bred for meat and egg production.
They are resistant to being controlled and strong as well, they are not recognized for intimidation, even though the Black Laced Silver Wyandotte is a gentle type that delights in the company of other Wyandottes.
Within earshot, fenced-in yards are ideal for neighbors where smaller breeds that aren’t as noisy and can handle confinement well, since they like to wander around in their own small enclosure. Wyandottes are not lap chickens, but they are friendly.
This video provides comprehensive information about the Black Laced Silver Wyandotte chicken breed.
13. Mottled Ancona
The Ancona chicken, named after a city in Italy, has a slightly larger comb and a dense plumage that allows them to survive cold winters. There are two versions of the Ancona chicken: bantam and standard. Both types have feathers that are mainly black and white, with flecks on the ends of each feather and a mottled pattern.
During the course of the year, hens have the ability to generate 280-300 medium and large eggs. A fully grown individual has a weight of approximately 4.5 to 6 pounds. The Mottled Ancona was initially created for the purpose of egg production in both the United Kingdom and the United States.
This video demonstrates the Mottled Ancona in motion.
If you are looking for a friendly breed, Ancona Mottled may not be suitable for you as they tend to be skittish around people and prefer to breed their own flocks. However, they are excellent and resourceful at foraging their own food, which can save you some money. Since they are lovely, you can consider showing Ancona Mottled.
2. Lakenvelder
Are you interested in checking out the Lakenvelder breed, a popular show breed that turns heads? It’s not a bad thing at all. In fact, they act superior, just like royalty or models, but they don’t carry themselves as such. This chicken breed hails from Germany and is truly eye-catching.
The Lakenvelder has a white body with black tails and necks. The feathers may be streaked or speckled with black. Their wattles and combs are paired and red, while their legs are gray slate and their earlobes are white. Lakenvelders weigh around 4-5 pounds during adulthood and can lay around 170 eggs a year. Additionally, meat quality is also considered high for them.
They can be quite amicable, given the appropriate level of socialization. They are extremely energetic and skilled at avoiding predators, making them exceptional foragers.
11. Light Sussex
Hens have short orange legs, small wattles and combs, as well as low tail feathers and flat blacks. They have sleek black streaks on their back and black edging on their tail feathers. Sussex Light is mostly white unlike many other breeds of white and black chickens. In fact, Sussex chickens were one of the first breeds to be displayed at a poultry show in London in 1945. Say hello to one of the ancient breeds in Europe.
Perfect for both compact and expansive yards and farms, Light Sussex chickens are robust, immune to numerous ailments, and also sociable. Other creatures and individuals will delight in observing their social interactions.
The Sussex Light breed was created with the dual purpose of producing larger birds (7-9 pounds) that can lay around 250-280 eggs annually. These birds are known to brood over their little ones and tend to the hens.
8. Columbian Wyandotte
The Columbian Wyandotte is a stunning breed, with its striking white and black feathers on the neck. It is created through the crossbreeding of a white Wyandotte and a Barred Rock. These chickens have a weight range of 6.5-8.5 pounds, similar to the Black Laced Silver Wyandotte. Nevertheless, their completely white feathers give them the appearance of being larger.
Final Thoughts on Black and White Chicken Breeds
Raising chickens can be both enjoyable and fulfilling, as it involves caring for and creating a suitable environment for these lovely creatures. Some breeds may present more challenges than others, as they come in various sizes and shapes. If you are looking to add a fantastic addition to your yard or find the perfect chicken for your flock, you may want to consider one of these stunning white and black chicken breeds. There are 15 beautiful breeds available for you to choose from.