“He’s a perfect 10 but” is a trend that became popular on Twitter and TikTok.
The trend revolves around assigning a score to someone who is considered a perfect 10 (in terms of attractiveness).
However, the catch is that the individual either possesses eccentricities, peculiar habits, or an unusual history.
These factors will usually diminish the individual’s appeal–which will lower their rating.
An example of a query is, “He is an ideal 10 but he often uses offensive language”–which could be a dealbreaker for specific individuals.
This article includes over 80 “He’s a 10 but” inquiries and instructions on how to engage in the game.
You can also substitute “10” with any number such as “5”.
However, in the case of a small quantity, it is necessary to counterbalance it with something optimistic.
Here’s an illustration, “He is a four but he is adept with animals and children”.