The biggest food debates of our generation are not whether sandwiches can be considered hot dogs or burgers, but rather questions that shake us to our core and make us question everything we thought we knew on an existential level. Sometimes in life, we encounter questions whose answers challenge us and make us rethink our very core.
Our Top 50 Burger Recipes.
Chicago-style hot dog or a grilled cheeseburger is not what we think of when we think of sandwiches. These are the things we think of: pastrami on rye, banh mis, turkey clubs, reubens, BLTs. A grilled cheese sandwich is made with two slices of Wonder bread, with jelly and peanut butter between them.
Sandwiches, in their most basic definition, can be anything as long as there is filling between two slices of bread or a split roll. It’s as simple as that. The question of what defines a sandwich exactly, however, deepens when it comes to whether hot dogs and hamburgers are sandwiches or not, according to Webster-Merriam.
There are completely different food variations for hot dogs and burgers, serving distinct culinary purposes. Similarly, in restaurants, hot dogs and burgers typically have their own separate section in the menu, just like sandwiches. When it comes to fruit salad, you wouldn’t put tomatoes in it (even though tomatoes are botanically considered fruit). When we think of fruit, we usually think of bananas and apples, but there are actually quite a few foods that seem like they should be categorized as fruit, but they aren’t. It’s not that simple, though.
If you want to make something that you know will be received as a delicious sandwich, try these worthy dinner table sandwiches. Whether or not you think of them in terms of classifications, these cookout staples are indeed sandwiches.