Since we were young girls, Brooklyn and I have been captivated by Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, featuring Judy Garland!
The last remaining munchkin actor of his life, Shelley, lived out the rest of his life in my dad’s small hometown. Dad told us that we had the opportunity to do something with him as part of it.
I begged my mom to buy me new pajamas, and whenever I outgrew them, I would wear them. I felt like I was in heaven and it was as if I had brought home a pair of sparkly red-glittered shoes that resembled Dorothy’s ruby slippers from a garage sale. I still remember it now.
When my mom proposed doing this Dorothy Braids tutorial, I begged and begged her to be the one to do it on the other day. We quickly found a red pair of Converse sneakers in my size at our local Halloween store and agreed on grabbing them.
Isn’t he cute in his adorable sweater? I even have my own dog, Toto, in Braidy! Today, we will be showing you how to create Dorothy’s braids from the Wizard of Oz.
Feel free to tag your own photos of this IG hairstyle as #CGHDorothyBraids on our app. You can also see featured recreations of your own photo in the CGH app.
The red ribbons looked much better, but we actually bought blue ribbons for the purposes of the costume. Dorothy wears them in the movie “The Wizard of Oz”, making this hairstyle perfect for local productions, school plays, or even Halloween – of course, minus wearing it everyday!
I experimented with a little makeup to complete my look like Dorothy. So, I opted to accentuate my lips and brighten my eyes. I highlighted the inner corners of my eyes with white eyeshadow and chose ruby red lipstick.
I hope that tutorials in the future will be more involved, and I absolutely loved this tutorial! Looking ahead to next week, we will be featuring a tutorial collaboration with the character High Monster, as well as adding more content to our Halloween Hairstyles series, #CGHSpooktorial. Don’t forget that this month is October, which means it’s our mom’s month!
Required materials: Hairbrush, rat-tail comb, misting bottle, two small hair bands, two hair ribbons, hairspray (if preferred).
Time Needed: 3-5 minutes.
Difficulty Level: Simple.
Step-by-Step Instructions:.
Please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below informing us about your thoughts on these Dorothy Braids!
Happy Halloween!