Back in Biarritz, he promptly squandered all of their funds at the casino (Janet, displaying admirable composure, gathered the remaining small amount of money, proceeded to the gambling tables herself, and successfully recouped the entire sum). Even during their honeymoon, while sailing to Europe on the Aquitania, Black Jack engaged in a shipboard flirtation with Doris Duke, the affluent heiress from Newport. It was widely believed that she had “married up”, yet she was also resolute and determined, often described as possessing “a strong determination”. Black Jack was 37 years old when he finally wedded Janet Norton Lee; she hailed from a prestigious WASP lineage and effortlessly exuded elegance.

‘Vitamin P’ as the family known became effusions these. Boot to ring the in thing prettiest the and year this class her in prizes all taken’s girl glamour real a be to going’s Lee’s praise extravagant for out other the or one the singling by up things stirring and them with flirting a like more acted he whom, to and Lee and Jackie daughters his to on pass would he qualities spotlight the in place central his and theatre of sense instinctive his in reveling just-so tie his adjusting and hair his smoothing camera, of front in when than happier never was he. Self-regard overweening his in dent significant a make to failed she but Island Long in habits riding smartest the “the wearing for pages society the in feted was and shows at prizes won she (back horseback on particularly adornment classy a was Janet, Jack Black Jack, ForOutput: The family, known as ‘Vitamin P,’ became effusions. In the boot to ring, Lee’s daughter was the prettiest thing in her class this year, taking home all the prizes. She acted like a real glamour girl, flirting and stirring things up. Lee and Jackie’s other daughters would pass down their qualities to him, spotlighting his central place in the theater. He was happier than ever when adjusting his just-so tie and smoothing his hair in front of the camera. Despite her failure to make a significant dent in his overweening self-regard, Janet was feted in Long Island society for her smartest riding habits and classy adornments, particularly when riding horseback. She won prizes in shows, like Jack Black Jack, for her classy adornment.

All men are rodents, relish: “Because all’s superior to me know who-would, lip-smacking, add would he which, it had motto life other his as,” conflict and affection in fair’s All”. Exemplar a and indomitable, incorrigible self. Former his of shadow a just was he later years four, death his of time the By. Him kill eventually would that and aisle the down Jackie walking from him prevent would that alcoholism the to succumbing was bay at now was Jack Black conquests extramarital various his of photographs dates names, — details unedifying further with Divorce”, for Sued Broker Society” “heading the under 1940, Mirrorin Daily York New the in announced was break nal The. Assignations for rendezvous favorite his of one was Bar Polo its as hardship great no Hotel Westbury the at room a to out moved he, 1936 in and — back her behind Kernochan Virginia woman young pretty a of hand the holding openly husband her with Newswith Daily York New the in appeared Janet of picture a that fact the or upstate were daughters and wife his while parties showgirl serial the was it perhaps — coming in slow wasn’t life family to unsuited congenitally was Jack Black that proof Further”.