Buddha discovered Three Universal Truths and Four Noble Truths, which he later conveyed to the general public during the next 45 years.
Three Immutable Realities
Four Noble Realities
Eight guides follow the Middle path. It is neither a path of excessive fasting and hardship nor a path of luxury and indulgence. Not leading a life meant the Middle Way. He taught that Nirvana was the way of the Middle Way. He said that individuals should take responsibility for their own actions and lives. Buddha then taught people not to worship him as a god.
The Path of Eightfoldness
Buddhists search internally for the truth and comprehension of Buddha’s teachings. Contemplation is a fundamental ritual for the majority of Buddhists. It surpasses language – it is not a condition that can truly be elucidated in words. They pursue enlightenment, or nirvana, in this manner. Nirvana is liberation from unnecessary pain and existing completely aware and engaged in one’s existence.
Meditation pertains to the practice of focusing the mind with the aim of achieving a feeling of inner tranquility that ultimately results in a state of enlightenment. There exist different forms of meditation.
The first written collection of palm leaves, known as the Tripitaka or Three Baskets, consisted of rules for monks and the thoughts and sayings of Buddha. After Buddha passed away, his teachings were gradually written down, preserving what people remembered.
Today, there are more than 500 million individuals who follow the Buddhist faith. Various sects of Buddhism emerged after the passing of Buddha, as his followers held differing views. Among these sects, Theravada is a prominent one that expanded its influence to countries like Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos. On the other hand, Mahayana spread to Nepal, Vietnam, China, Korea, and Japan, and it assimilated elements from the local cultures, resulting in the development of three distinct branches: Vajrayana Buddhism (also known as Tibetan Buddhism), Pure Land Buddhism, and Zen Buddhism.