¿Cómo se enamoraron Piqué y Shakira y por qué se separaron?

Next, we will give you an overview of their relationship and what led to their split.

Piqué made a brief appearance with his teammates Lionel Messi and Dani Alves in the video “Waka Waka”, the official song of the event, in which Shakira was the performer and they had the opportunity to spend much more time during its recording, after meeting in Madrid prior to the 2010 World Cup thanks to football. Their story began.

On that occasion, the Spanish national team won the world championship, as Piqué made it clear that they would meet again in the final and delivered, with the certainty that the Colombian would have a performance in the decisive match and already in African lands.

After a few months, Shakira would make her relationship official on Instagram, posting a picture together with the caption “I am in love, making it evident.” She left the criticisms aside, despite the 10-year age difference.

¿Cuántos hijos tienen Shakira y Piqué?

Milan, whom they opted to call, is presently 9 years old and in 2013, merely one year after they became an official pair, they welcomed their initial offspring.

Shakira se mudó a Barcelona, ​​donde formaron una nueva vida juntos con su hijo menor y segundo. Después de dos años apenas, anunciaron su compromiso a su nueva familia. Esto le dio aún más fuerza a su relación, ya que nunca contrajeron matrimonio.

¿Por qué se separaron Shakira y Piqué?

Piqué, leveraging social media to demonstrate the solidarity of his family despite certain personal challenges stemming from Shakira’s bout of depression and strained communication with the athlete, dispelled the widespread rumors of a potential separation, which had already gained considerable traction in 2017 amidst a turbulent phase in their relationship.

In mid-2022, something happened that wasn’t expected, as there were reports beyond possible infidelity by Piqué, which led the couple to officially separate after being together for 12 years. They issued a statement and also requested that their privacy be respected during this process, considering their everyday life with their children.

Miami, in addition to announcing her private life as a goal to provide for her children, Shakira reached a fairly amicable agreement in which she granted custody of both children, which received quite a bit of press attention and resulted in various agreements regarding the division of assets over several months.