Exploring Ron Howard’s Groundbreaking Narration in Arrested Development

After 10 years of being off the air, the sitcom “Arrested Development” returned with a new format. However, it is not just a typical American sitcom. Instead of having a traditional narrator, the show uses Ron Howard’s voice to provide us with insightful and humorous commentary. His narration helps to keep us grounded in the chaotic world of the Bluth family, punctuating the misadventures and providing witty remarks and pointed statements.

Now, the narrator tells the story of a wealthy family who had no choice but to keep it all together, even though Ron Howard’s Arrested Development had arrested them and lost everything.

Ron Howard, the narrator of the beloved series, appears in all 82 episodes, sharing his no-nonsense insights as a detached observer. He manages to bring us closer to the characters by taking a light-hearted approach to his role, using every scheme, lie, and plot to keep us engaged. Despite the objectionable nature of some characters, he makes us like them by showcasing relatable family issues. It is worth noting that Ron Howard went uncredited as both the producer and the winner of an Oscar for the series.

After watching the show, we can’t help but talk about our favorite scenes and identify with the individual characters, and we love to quote them. However, the official finale, which is often misunderstood or considered terrible, is either vastly loved or hated by most people. Nevertheless, the narrator’s voiceover quality is a testament to his ability to help us all fall in love with the Bluth family.

A Humorous Documentary

“Then, confusing a group of brightly dressed men for pirates, Tobias got on a van full of gay men.”

Jason Bateman at Kimmel

Howard’s narration acts as a warm invitation for potential fans to easily jump in at any episode, providing complete exposition at the beginning of each story. From the opening credits to the scene ending, his narration spans the entire series, neatly tying each episode together like a bow. In fact, his narration is prevalent throughout the series, mirroring how Michael Bluth, the protagonist, holds his family together – Howard’s voice carries us through every scene, acting as the glue that holds the series together.

The narration fits so seamlessly, in fact, that Howard explicitly cites it as the primary reason the series was greenlit in the first place.

An Accidental Storyteller

Later on in the series, character A, who was initially not the narrator, somehow becomes the objective narrator. The best part of the show was the sudden introduction of a celebrity voice-over that the producers could have predicted. It was neither the characters nor the plot that became the highest testing element among focus groups, but the narration bit for the pilot episode. Eventually, Howard and Ron were undecided, but they toyed with the idea of using a narrator. Mitchell pitched the idea initially, and it became a beloved aspect of the show.

Regardless of whether or not we requested it, our punctual narrator is always present to inform us precisely about the current events and their reasons. Ron Howard utilizes his expertise as a narrator to ensure that his audience remains informed about all the occurrences in the series, similar to a documentary, whether it involves guiding us through the escapades of each episode or tracking the actions of each character. Whenever Gob engages in reckless behavior or Lucille exhibits selfishness, our well-timed narrator is present to provide us with a comprehensive understanding of the situation and its motivations.

The style of narration in this works well because it makes us feel like we’re not just observing the Bluth family in their natural habitat, but rather, we’re privy to every miscommunication and inside joke, which also draws in the audience.

The Bluth clan, consisting of various family members, is introduced to the audience by Howard’s voiceover narration, which provides guidance and quickly transitions the narrative towards the main plot. While the audience gains a glimpse into everything they encounter along the way, the focus is not solely on the Bluths’ struggles and misadventures, but rather on their journey to find their way back to a lost life. Throughout the series, we follow the Bluths and their experiences, not just limited to the main storyline.

Narration in the style of National Geographic

Following their complete loss, the Bluth family navigated their daily existence in a manner that resembled Ron Howard’s documentary style rather than a comedic approach. Howard aimed to adopt an anthropological standpoint for his voiceover narration, drawing inspiration from National Geographic to formulate a sociological analysis. Although it may not be immediately apparent, he elaborated on this in a CNN interview.

Despite the intention of the narrator to be a detached and observant observer, he still manages to inject humor into the on-screen play by the end of the third season, and again during the fourth and fifth seasons.

Spectator and Contributor

In the fourth season of the Netflix revival series, Ron Howard makes a cameo appearance in six episodes, reprising his essential role as Michael Bluth. Taking on his real-life position as a producer, Howard assigns the task of collecting signatures from his family members to secure the rights for their upcoming film about their story. In a meta attempt to tell the story from within, Howard effectively becomes a de facto Michael, paralleling his real-life role.

What is intriguing about Howard’s cameo is that it actually mirrors his pivotal role in the production of the series, as he pokes fun and indulges in the story as a detached observer, commenting on it from a third-party perspective.

Praise from Critics

Fans were struggling to understand why Fox had decided to cancel Arrested Development, especially considering the praise it had received. However, their joy was restored when Netflix revived the beloved show after a lengthy seven-year hiatus, despite the fact that the series had been prematurely ended at the conclusion of its third season in 2006.

From a total of six nominations, Mitchell Horowitz, the creator, was awarded three Primetime Emmys, while the series managed to win 30 out of the 82 different awards it was nominated for. Considering that the narrator and executive producer has two Oscars, it is not surprising that the series has received critical acclaim.

The Professional Journey of Ron Howard

Today, it’s no surprise that Ron Howard’s impressive career to date serves as not only his narration but also his involvement in this iconic film. Despite winning two Oscars and receiving 79 different award nominations, it’s even less shocking that “Development Arrested” has become one of his most acclaimed works.