This article will provide you with several approaches on how to eliminate the notification for Discord direct messages. In the event of an app inconsistency, it is necessary to clear the cache, as this can also be the cause of the issue. Furthermore, new friend requests on Discord may trigger the notification to appear.
1. Open Nitro Promotion
The first thing you should do when starting to resolve the problem in question is to check the Nitro promotion cases, because the notification does not appear for most cases, but because you have been sent a new message.
In such a scenario, you will have to open the Nitro promotion to get rid of the direct message notification. Nitro is a subscription plan offered by Discord that gives you various features over normal users that can often be tempting.
The direct message notification should be disabled, and it should be marked as read once you have completed it. To view the promotion and tab Nitro, simply click on it. The promotion Nitro is pinned at the top right above your direct messages.
2. Check the Friends Tab
If you have already viewed the Nitro promotion and the problem persists, it is possible that the notification appearing is due to new friend requests or message requests that you have received.
Clicking on the Friends tab will show any pending friend requests and direct messages in the corresponding area. It is important to note that a new friend request can generate a direct notification message, which will also be found in the friend’s tab in the direct messages area.
If the problem continues, proceed to the following approach. After examining the Friends tab, determine if that resolves the matter for you.
3. Sign In Again
This can happen when certain requests are not properly received by either the server or the client. In some scenarios, there may be inconsistency in the communication between Discord servers and the app, leading to the appearance of a notification message.
In the event of a communication gap, any discrepancies that may have arisen can be resolved by logging out of your account and subsequently logging back in. This action will prompt the application to retrieve your user account details from the relevant servers once more, ensuring the accurate presentation of information. Thus, you can effectively overcome the issue.
To log out of your Discord account, simply follow the steps provided below:
4. Clear App Cache
This app is helpful in saving various information about the user’s preferences and using it to improve the performance of the app. It locally stores the data so that you can use the app on any other device or computer.
In order to address the problem, you must delete the Discord cache on your device in that particular situation. The Discord alert may arise because of a discrepancy in the application cache in certain instances. It retrieves the stored cache on your computer each time Discord or any other application is opened.
To clear Discord’s cache on your system, follow the instructions below. Details such as your account are stored in the cache, so you can frequently delete the cache when you log out.
If you are facing the problem on a mobile device, you can resolve it by accessing the Apps section within the Settings application to clear Discord’s cache and data.
In order to address the issue, you may need to reinstall the application on your computer under these circumstances. If none of the previous methods have successfully resolved the problem, it is probable that the issue stems from the installation files of the Discord client on your device. Lastly.
The following instructions will help you mitigate the issue by allowing you to reinstall the Discord client. By reinstalling the app, the installation files will be renewed on your device.