Gavin Newsom shuts down running in 2024: Democrat says Kamala is ‘lined up’ to replace Biden, 80, if he drops out and tells donors to stop ‘wallowing’ over dire polls and get behind Joe

Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California, has slammed the speculation that he is planning to run for president in 2024, saying that Harris Kamala is the natural heir to Biden Joe.

‘We must surpass this idea that he will not run,’ Newsom informed NBC News’ Chuck Todd.

Biden, the President, is looking forward to running and getting reelected. I think there has been too much handwringing and wallowing in the past few months. We are gearing up for the campaign and we are looking forward to it.

Newsom also addressed the speculation that he was contemplating a primary challenge to the president, which had prompted the calls he has been placing to prominent Democratic contributors.

The message he conveyed to the contributors, questioning whether the candidate would be someone other than Biden, was, “We should depart. It is time to progress.”

Biden holds the distinction of being the most senior president in the history of the United States. Given his age of 80, apprehensions have been expressed regarding his fitness for office. Surveys indicate that a considerable number of Democrats desire an alternative choice instead of Biden.

A Wall Street Journal poll out this week found that 75 percent of voters think Biden is too old to be president.

In a CNN poll conducted in July, it was discovered that 75 percent of left-leaning and Democratic voters who do not wish to witness Biden’s term in office.

California, if it were a country, would be the fifth largest economy in the world with a GDP of $3.6 trillion. Governor Newsom, the leader of the largest state in the Union, has been at the top of the long list of potential Democratic presidential candidates for a while now.

He has staked out policy positions that appeal to Democrats, proposing a constitutional amendment that would install new federal gun controls, including universal background checks. He’s pushed an ambitious climate agenda, such as banning the sale of new gas-powered cars, to ensure access to abortions for the governors of the coalition he formed.

In addition, he has engaged in conflicts with prominent Republicans such as Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.

The date is yet to be determined. Both combative governors, DeSantis and Newsom, who have staked out positions on education and immigration at opposite ends of the political spectrum, have agreed to be hosted by Sean Hannity, the host of Fox News, for a debate.

There were rumors that certain individuals in the White House were unhappy with the idea, particularly those in the role of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Newsom and Harris may compete in a 2028 Democratic presidential primary if both choose to run for the White House.

Harris’ office was disturbed by certain reports, according to what he said. He mentioned that he hadn’t heard anything about the upcoming showdown in the White House from anyone, but the governor of California informed him that NBC news had not directly heard from the vice president.

According to him, ‘Evidently, someone within her workplace is, as I came across some unofficial statements. I desire to know the identity of that individual. However, I do not hear it directly from her, and I certainly do not hear it from the White House itself.’

During the interview, Newsom also disregarded any conjecture that he would challenge Harris, affirming that the two share a ‘very robust connection.’

I am a subjective little up, and I was a lieutenant governor. You know, I might be a little old-fashioned when it comes to presidents and vice presidents, but after Biden said that, I naturally thought about running for president.

It won’t happen. Let me define it. Of course, Newsom responded: ‘If he could imagine her running.’ We said that a thousand times, but I’ve never imagined it. Privately, we will continue to maintain a very good interpersonal relationship. Just let me know how you are doing with your check. Spending time talking about important things, we’ve had the opportunity to sit down and have lunch together in the White House. It’s been a challenging few years with Covid.

Harris and Newsom both gained significant attention when their careers took off in the prominent offices they held in San Francisco, California, running parallel to each other.

Some consultants were hired and some donors were wooed, they traveled in the same political circles – constant overlap meant their rise together.

In January 2004, the state witnessed the inauguration of its inaugural black district attorney and the appointment of the city’s youngest mayor in over a century, both of whom emerged victorious in their respective campaigns. Newsom was vying for the position of San Francisco mayor, while Harris sought the role of district attorney in 2003.

NBC informed Newsom: ‘We were acquainted prior to our involvement in politics. When she became the district attorney, she took the oath on the same day I took the oath as the mayor. Throughout her tenure in the Senate and my time in office, we shared an exceptionally strong working bond and often crossed the street together.’

They have successfully navigated their career paths in the past without directly competing against each other, instead supporting and promoting one another. Despite being viewed as ambitious potential competitors for higher positions, the two individuals have been characterized as ‘frenemies.’

There have been near misses.

Instead, Newsom chose to pursue the position of governor, deferring to Harris who left the Senate seat unoccupied following Barbara Boxer’s decision to retire in 2015. Both individuals had their sights set on the Senate seat.

Harris secured the Senate position and returned the favor, supporting Newsom’s campaign for governor.

In 2021, when he faced a recall election, she campaigned for him as vice president. Newsom ultimately prevailed and stayed in office.