How Many Pizza’s Should I Order for 20 People?

There are several important factors to take into consideration when determining how much pizza is appropriate for 20 people. It can be fast and complicated to figure out how many pizzas to order frequently, so it’s easy to see why people search for this question online. Well, personal preference or dietary restrictions can also play a role. Of course, there are more things to consider, such as the kind of gathering and the time of day the gathering is taking place. Whether it’s adults or people of all ages, if you are serving food at the gathering, these elements should be included.

When it comes to figuring out the right amount of food for an event or party, we’re lucky to have our catering pros here with us, serving helpful tips to learn from other groups.

There is actually a formula to help you figure out the proper amount of pizza to order for any size group, but this may seem like an arbitrary number. For a group of 20 adults, you should order 8 large pizzas. We’ll give you the answer right away and break it down for you.

If you need to know how much pizza you need for example, simply multiply 20 by (3/8) to find out. This assumes that the large pizza is cut into 8 slices. When serving adults at a regular mealtime, the known rule for pizza is 3/8. If you are solving an equation for a different group size, simply change the first number before completing the math.

It’s always better to have a little extra than to leave hungry. For example, if you round up to 8 pies, the result is 7.88. In this case, it’s always best to round up. When completing math, you may get a fraction as the final result.

Where Does the 3/8 Pizza Rule Originate?

You may be wondering why you should multiply the size of your group by 3/8. It’s fair to assume that when serving a large group, some people may not eat any pizza or may only have one slice, while others may be very hungry and consume more than 3 pieces. The answer is fairly straightforward.

Assuming that each person will eat three out of the eight slices of any given pie, the average number of slices per person assigned by the pizza rule is 3/8.

Exceptions to the Rule

By dividing the overall number of slices by 8, combine the two quantities of slices together, and maintain the 3-slice guideline per adult. When adjusting for children at gatherings, convert the 3/8 pizza guideline into the 2-slice guideline and factor in two slices of pie per child. They possess smaller appetites, after all. If a portion of your attendees will be kids, it is reasonable to assume that they will probably consume less compared to adults. Naturally, there are exceptions to the 3/8 pizza guideline that might affect the amount of pizza required for 20 individuals at a specific event.

If this is true, it might be wiser to underestimate and have a slightly smaller number of pies. Alternatively, is the gathering happening at an unusual time, like mid-morning when people are likely to have just been at home before coming? In this situation, it might be better to order more. For instance, if your gathering is during dinner time when adults will have to come straight from work without any other stops, they are likely to be hungrier and eat more pizza. Additionally, consider the timing of your event or party, as well as what the guests will be doing right before and after.

Order Hungry Howie’s® for Your Next Event

If you’re having a large party or any other event where you need to feed a big group of hungry people, Howie’s® Pizza is the way to go. We have a complete serving package that includes all the plates and utensils you’ll need, as well as soft drinks, desserts, and our beloved pies. In addition, we offer a wide variety of options on our menu, including subs, salads, pasta, and meat lovers’ items. And for those who prefer vegetarian options, we have plenty to choose from.

Place your order for Hungry Howie’s® catering today and we’ll be sure to satisfy all your guests with delicious pizza and more!