Infestation of destructive “Mormon crickets” hits western Colorado

Grasshopper-like katydids, known as Mormon crickets, are invading western parts of Colorado this summer, resembling what the largest hatch years look like.

Craig and Dinosaur, Maybell, and Meeker have workers lining the ground around them to control pests that are devouring crops and hay. They have stopped using poisonous bait before the pests can reach them. People have power washers to spray off the pests and their poop on siding and houses, where they are crawling. They are leaving reddish streaks on the pavement and popping and crunching tires under 64 Colorado.

Linda Masters, the director of the Colorado State University Extension office in Meeker, expressed, “There are extensive amounts of them, spanning for miles, they are spread out on 64.” “In this particular year, they are exceptionally dense. I have never witnessed such a phenomenon before.”

A group of residents from the Western Slope has organized a meeting to convince government agencies to use aerial spraying on federal land, just like they have done in previous years, in order to halt the spread of bugs.

Following their migration to Utah in order to evade religious discrimination, the colonizers asserted that seagulls arrived and devoured the pests, thus preserving their crops during one of their initial harvests. The insects were dubbed crickets during the mid-1800s when they devastated the harvests of Mormon settlers in Utah. This incident, commonly known as the “gulls’ miracle,” is recounted in a story.

In the West, the hatching process was postponed this year, possibly due to a colder and more humid season. Once the soil temperature exceeds 40 degrees, the eggs hatch in the subsequent spring or summer and remain inactive during the winter. Mormon crickets reproduce and deposit their eggs during late summer or autumn, after which they perish.

With nourishment, the bugs may pause for three or four days in a location and have the ability to journey 25 to 50 miles within a single period.

The crickets, which prefer sagebrush country where they munch on grasses and forbes, can cause significant damage to crops if farmers do not take measures to control them. The crickets have been photographed swarming farmland and crossing roads in pockets of the Western Slope, affecting only the residents who live there.

Motorists in Nevada have been warned by the Department of Transportation to take it slow and be cautious while driving, as there have been reports of the worst bug infestation this year. Residents say that the roads have become slick and smelly, causing cars to slide off. Twitter users have also advised others to be careful and avoid the carnage caused by the masses of bugs that have come from Nevada.

Rio Blanco County is offering residents complimentary granular bait to address the insect problem in Colorado, although it is not as severe as elsewhere. The bait is spread on the ground ahead of a swarm of crickets, and the leading group of crickets will consume the bait and die. Then, the following waves of cannibalistic crickets will feed on the dead crickets and also meet their demise.

“They will simply begin accumulating there,” Masters stated.

She said, “Our neighbors are not exactly 50 feet away.” Knowing when they are coming is tricky, especially for ranchers and farmers, who live miles apart in Rangely and Meeker. This is particularly the tricky part.

“They will consistently advance in groups searching for new leafy plants and crops. In our region, that implies alfalfa.”

“The insects do not fly, but instead move by crawling and hopping similar to grasshoppers,” expressed Whitney Cranshaw, an entomology professor who is now retired from Colorado State University. He further described them as a peculiar species of katydid that lacks the ability to fly and is sometimes found in significant quantities within arid rangeland regions of the Western United States.”

He mentioned that outbreaks commonly occur in Utah, near the border of Monument National Dinosaur, which is located in the extreme northwestern part of the state. These outbreaks are typically sporadic in distribution. However, in Colorado, they occur more frequently, and in southern Idaho and Nevada, they are more common.

Stretching for miles along Colorado 64 and into Moffat County on U.S. 40, the insects are referred to as this year’s remarkable hatch in Rio Blanco County, according to Masters.

Prior to being trimmed, the insects have a preference for consuming it, therefore farmers can safeguard their hay by trimming it. She proposed that residents protect their gardens by utilizing plastic covering wrapped around 6-foot-tall chicken wire.

They won’t be able to sell it, it bothers them, if the hay is baled, it can cause enough economic hardship to damage it, but Mormon crickets don’t eat crops in the “ground the”.

Some crickets in Nevada have been compared to a biblical plague, with swarms of locusts that are just as devastating.

“The Nha Trang Institute of Oceanography is a captivating attraction for individuals of various age groups.””Masters stated that the locusts will ravage everything. However, it’s not as dire as it appears.”

Crickets cover both sides of a road.
Redish-brown Mormon crickets cross State Highway 64 near Meeker. The insects hatch and crawl in waves toward food, including farmers’ crops. (Provided by Linda Masters)

Melissa Schreiner, a CSU Extension entomologist based in Grand Junction, reported that she has been receiving accounts of abundant quantities of Mormon crickets near Rangely and Craig in the previous week. She described a picture of the insects crawling down a railroad track, stating, “They are in numerous heaps, just stacked on top of one another.”

The theory is that the abundance of insects is due to the spring rains, which is why there are so many of them. Entomologists are wondering what is going on when deer and pronghorn starve to death, and the massive numbers of elk are affected by the deep snow of this winter, usually connected to the drought.

“Normally, there isn’t much food available, and they consume one another,” Schreiner remarked.

As the human population increases, houses are being constructed in areas, such as Meeker, Rangely, and Craig, where grasshoppers or crickets have been laying eggs for many years.

“These neighborhoods are expanding and more individuals are beginning to take notice,” Schreiner mentioned.

Stanko Jo, a rancher from Steamboat, is keeping an eye out for crickets, a common pest for Mormons, as he grows hay grass and raises cattle in Wyoming, towards the east and north. He has been seeing posts about these pests on Facebook.

They lit holes on fire. The crickets were let loose in a slide and the rancher allegedly brought a train car full of turkeys to eat the crickets. Stanko said they covered the holes dug by others with roofing tin and doused them in oil. The rancher allegedly brought the train car full of turkeys to get rid of the crickets, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them, in order to get rid of them.

Stanko is already dealing with a grasshopper invasion this year, so the crickets would be most unwelcome.

“We have encountered an abnormally high level of drought. A surplus of snow,” she expressed. “An overabundance of grasshoppers. We do not need anything else!”