It’s Year 5 of the Biden crime family coverup

It is probably the worst crime ever committed by an American President, and it is so bad here that the alleged crime is here. But the case in the unraveling Bidengate scandal is not that. The scandal often is worse than the crime, and that is a truism that came out of the Watergate scandal.

Given the multitude of facts that have been evident in plain sight for a considerable amount of time, it is possible that the 5 Year At. Dealings shady family’s Biden may be the most successful cover-up in modern history, especially since it raises questions about Trump, who was the first to tirelessly work to destroy and deflect with distractions. The facts should not be denied. It deserves superlatives for its sheer audacity, inventiveness, and longevity. However, the cover-up should still be thoroughly examined.

Hunter Biden’s qualification was the only thing acknowledged by the board on which his name appeared last. This instance of the famous scheme involved Hunter being paid millions of dollars for his role as a corrupt member of the energy company Burisma in Ukraine. Is Bidengate the decade-long scheme of influence-peddling that former Vice President Joe Biden saw, where Hunter used his position as a conduit for millions of dollars in payoffs from foreign entities in exchange for favorable treatment in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere? Is that exactly what it is?

Using the clout of your father’s public office to protect yourself when dealing with foreign corrupt employers is definitely against U.S. Policy, but it is not a crime in itself. However, it is definitely against U.S. Policy to trade on one’s name to gain employment.

When he later told the story to the Foreign Relations Council, Biden even bragged about this escapade, which happened just a few years ago. That’s what happened in March 2016 when Vice President Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. Aid to Ukraine if General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin was not immediately fired.

There is no substantial further investigation of Burisma after he was fired, and he was fired because he was investigating Burisma’s alleged corruption. Shokin publicly stated that he knows that Biden’s threat to withhold aid was approved by the Department of State, but whether it was diplomacy “on the fly” or not, it’s hard to know.

“Where is the funds?” When questioned about claims of misconduct, Biden was teasing his detractors, jokingly remarking to a journalist on June 8. It nearly causes one to ponder, “Trace the funds.” Another well-known slogan from the Watergate period is.

“That’s what we want to know,” the reporter should have demanded, but of course there was no follow-up question. There never is.

He had a good reason to believe that. He could think, based on the suggestion of Biden’s cheeky response, that any private wealth he kept was ill-gotten from some source.

Among the many intriguing breadcrumbs in the document, it was revealed that the payment to the Bidens was disguised well and would take years to uncover. According to an unclassified FBI FD-1023 informant’s claim, Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, had split a $10 million payment from Ukrainian sources. The claim alleged that Hunter Biden and his father, Joe Biden, were involved. Senator Chuck Grassley asked, “Where’s the money?” More than a month after the incident, on July 20th.

Joe Biden did not send any funds, as responded by Zlochevsky, when asked about the source of the funds (which the FBI understood) to reference Joe Biden (i.E. Illicit payments to) the records find to years 10 them (investigators) take it would responded Zlochevsky controls; Zlochevsky companies/bank accounts many how Zlochevsky asked source The Biden).

So that’s one potential response to Joe Biden’s challenge: “Where is the funds?” Maybe it is cleverly concealed.

In a Chinese investment scheme, Joe was being detained by Hunter while discussing the percentage of ownership in the company. During this conversation, Hunter referred to Joe as “Big Guy,” which was the same nickname that Joe’s business associate, Zlochevsky, used in the infamous “Laptop from Hell” email in 2019. The FBI informant reported this statement in June 2020, highlighting the significance of the case in Amsterdam. It is evident that there are numerous red flags and warning signs in the Biden scandal.

The information that Biden was privy to was indeed damning and confidential. The trusted human source of the FBI, whose use of the phrase in question was prior to the 2020 time, provided strong circumstantial evidence. However, the email in question wasn’t published by The New York Post until October 15, 2020. Since December 2019, the FBI had the laptop in its possession, but it wasn’t widely circulated.

We already knew that confirmation is just the majority of what we know. The DOJ and FBI have been running for Biden, and whistleblowers have exposed the bare protection racket laid by the IRS and the Biden family’s payments to the bank. Recent congressional hearings have unearthed a trove of details about this. The evidence has mounted, and the cover-up about Biden is truly maddening as we discover more and more about how it has lasted.

Zelensky and Trump’s phone call transcript, which was released in September 2019, revealed that Zelensky asked for cooperation with U.S. Authorities to investigate the alleged corruption involving the Bidens. It was the first time that Americans heard about the Bidens’ involvement in criminal activity, and Trump raised the issue of former Vice President Biden’s alleged corruption while mentioning the rumors.

If Congress had opened an inquiry into the question of Hunter Biden’s huge salary for sitting on the board of Energy Burisma, his father might now be retired in Delaware, and Hunter Biden might be in prison. This is to shame his final years.

Instead of daring to put Trump on trial in Congress for the scheme of influence-peddling run by Joe Biden and his kin, Democrats missed the story and somehow convinced the public that Biden was the victim in the Ukrainian corruption crash, which was, in fact, America’s impeachment.

It is not uncommon to hear news cable anchors lamenting that Republicans are persecuting Joe Biden and his proven case against Hunter Biden – the president did not do anything wrong. The media, which seems to have a hard time understanding the case against Hunter Biden, is closely aligned with the Democrats.

What the nation is waiting for is the evidence, a mountain of evidence, that anyone who has eyes to see can witness against both Joe and Hunter Biden. We need a prosecutor who will present this evidence to a jury and ask for a verdict of guilty or not guilty. It is not the job of reporters or Congress to prove anything, but rather to unearth and investigate the evidence for the sake of justice. Either they don’t understand the meaning of the word proven, or they don’t understand our system of justice.

How much longer do we have to wait?