John Travolta’s $10million Florida home includes an airport — see the pics

The aircrafts can be boarded within a minute of leaving the front door so — right outside his home, John Travolta’s two jets can park on his exclusive property, which includes an airstrip and an airport, but it’s not just any property. The superstar built his house on the exclusive Jumbolair Aviation Estates in Ocala, Florida, and it’s not just a luxury five-bedroom home, it’s a $10 million mansion.

John, when he first moved into his midcentury house, remodelled his stunning garden and the open-plan living areas, as well as the spacious bathrooms and five bedrooms. The estate, which includes a 7,600 square-foot mansion that was once home to Vanderbilt Muriel, a renowned horse breeder, now also boasts a 3,600-foot runway and approximately seventeen unsold estates. Preston Kelly, John’s late wife, and John were the first to build and purchase a private home on the country’s only 550-acre estate with a 8,700 square-foot conference center.

The 69-year-old dad recently treated fans by showing a video of their family’s Easter celebrations, which included some fabulous shots of their Florida home’s formal dining area with extensive grounds and their cozy living room. John and his 23-year-old daughter Ella often share glimpses inside their incredible home via their Instagram accounts.

The home is located outside of a huge amusement zone, which includes a golf course and a large swimming area with a pool slide. John wanted to use the open space with stone flooring for dancing, as told by one of his architects from Digest Architectural. The outside space is especially important to John as a pilot and actor, as it provides a cool spot for both kids and adults to hang out. In addition, the property includes a 16-huge car garage, which John has lovingly turned into a gym for his son Ben, who is increasingly interested in acrobatics and parkour.

In the year 2020, Kelly Preston, the deceased spouse of John, tragically departed. The residence, which the pair constructed jointly, was the result of John’s cooperation with Kelly. While conversing with AD magazine in 2004, Kelly enthusiastically discussed her husband’s fascination with airplanes.

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Kelly exclaimed, “It was incredibly thrilling. It had always been John’s aspiration to have airplanes in his front yard–to practically be able to drive up to the house–so that whenever we wanted to go out for dinner, all we had to do was step out the door, board the plane, and fly away. Additionally, we frequently travel by air. Last year, when Johnny was filming a movie in Tampa, he would fly to and from work on a daily basis. Every evening, the children and I would take the golf cart, observe the plane landing, and then bring Johnny to the house as the plane taxied in.”

John has the convenience of taxiing almost directly to his own front doorstep! The ultimate plan includes parking spaces for both jets, situated just 100m away from the front door. This allows him to admire both of his cherished jets from various rooms inside the house, such as the bedroom, the great room, and the dining room. This shared vision demonstrates their exceptional taste.

John and Ella showcased the finest photographs of their extraordinary family residence. In 2009, John and Kelly’s offspring Jett sadly lost his life at the tender age of 16. Currently at the age of 12, Ella and Ben, John’s children, reside together in the house.

In this video, you can observe the Easter Day family dining table and the airport hangar in the background.

When they constructed the residence, John and Kelly initially desired the identical cozy atmosphere that their abode still possesses, and the household commemorates Christmas in Florida.