In August 1495, while being harassed by his enemy’s troops, King Richard III of England uttered this phrase at the Battle of Bosworth.

The young king Richard was preparing for the most important battle of his life, which would be the one where he intended to remove the crown from the Earl Tudor’s England, while his troops were being harassed.

The authoritarian king sent his anxious servant to the blacksmith, who was preparing horseshoes for the animal he hurriedly requested. The blacksmith explained to the servant that he could not obtain more iron as there was barely any left due to the large quantity of nails and horseshoes used in the harassment of the enemy troops in the last few days. When the king Ricardo heard this, he urged and angered the blacksmith, pressuring the servant to urge him as well, warning him of the “consequences” that would happen in Mexico if he did not comply. “I need my horse, but tell me how to see it,” he said.

The blacksmith replied, “Ricardo, are you afraid to face another outbreak of anger?” But the servant asked, “Will it resist?” The blacksmith, noticing this, hurriedly took the last horseshoe and realized with horror that a nail was missing. However, to appease the king’s anger, the nervous blacksmith molded all the horseshoes in a hurry and took the last iron bar. Thus, he proceeded.

Ricardo, a fierce warrior, bravely attacked the enemy troops, instilling valor and rallying his own troops. He stood in front of the doubting soldiers, who were hesitant to fight against the enemy forces. This was the most critical moment of the battle, and Ricardo proved himself to be resolute.

Ricardo left at the mercy of the enemy, he ran away and quickly mounted his frightened horse. As the king tried to roll the land, he caused it to fall due to the poorly attached horseshoe, which then caused his horse to stumble. Frightened, his men fled from the enemy troops who surrounded them, while the desperate king shouted, “My horse, my kingdom for a horse!”

The soldiers of Tudor quickly realized that Richard III had died, requesting something as simple as a horse. They gave their quick account of Richard’s death, considering it a valuable and significant change in their kingdom. However, he did not have a horse.

Así fue que:Output: This is how it happened:

For want of a nail, a horseshoe was lost.

For want of a horseshoe, a horse was lost.

For want of a horse, a battle was lost.

A kingdom was lost due to a battle.

Rushing never leads to anything good.

El hacer las cosas a la carrera es una pésima idea. Output: Hacer las cosas apresuradamente es una terrible idea.

Could the blacksmith have done this as well? To warn him of the danger and firmly stand before the king, he could not be blamed for being a servant. It was not the blacksmith’s fault that he did his job well, perhaps someone else would have been sought as the guilty party.

The principal is culpable for the authoritarian and “accelerated” king. It is dangerous to warn them. On the other hand, I prefer the second option, which risks angering the king and having him order me to cut off my head, as the king is perfectly crazy and I would put him at risk. But those of that place would be in danger if they were to put themselves in that position.

Aprendamos las lecciones.Output: Let’s learn the lessons.

From this story, we can learn various things.

Well done is to verify to stop without “show off” a work to do such with press if human lives risk in to put can official an of arrogant attitude. Tragic can be times to consequences the in thinks and surround you who of warnings the listens, making you are that in well Think. “Worsens everything under pressure” that remembers society- in or work in, family in don’t hurry up! Project a responsible you are if.

Have the civil courage to point out the mistakes and consequences of a bad decision or an act of corruption. If you are the collaborator, dare to confront when you see someone about to make a mistake. Trust me, in the long run it will be better and you will have a clear conscience, although you may put yourself at risk.

Pongamos atención a los detalles.Output: Let’s pay attention to the details.

It is true, the famous Titanic sank because it collided with a colossal iceberg. However, from that tragic accident, it is not always taken into account that there were sailors on board who were supposed to constantly watch for obstacles and alert the captain about them. In order to do so, they were supposed to use binoculars. Well, due to haste – once again – and the excitement of embarking on that first journey on the most elegant and modern ship in the world, the responsible sailor forgot to bring the binoculars. They would have seen the iceberg earlier and there would have been time to veer and avoid the collision, if they had them at hand.

Making sure that we think well, let’s not be arrogant or “rush”. Let’s learn from past experiences, whether they are from Richard III or Titanic.