Internationally and nationally, the headlines of the main media outlets have focused on the unfortunate events, among others, in various parts of the city, where street riots have taken place, commercial establishments have been attacked, and clashes with the Police have occurred. The municipality of La Playa has generated the images.
A woman was found half-naked in a bed, the officers assumed that she had been robbed of her cash and credit cards, and also violated and allegedly drugged in her hotel room, by two young men from Carolina, as reported, a tourist even died.
Control al caos.Output: Bring order to the chaos.
Local authorities have been forced to take control measures in light of the events recorded during the so-called Spring Break, when thousands of students from all corners of the United States come to spend their school break.
Until April 12th, it is expected that a curfew from Thursday to Sunday, between 8 pm and 6 am, promoted by Dan Gelber, mayor of Miami Beach, along with the city commissioners, will remain in effect.
The authorities also ordered the closure of the three bridges that connect the island community with Miami, during one of the most intense moments experienced in that city.
“Molesto” declared Gelber. We should stop calling it “Spring Break” holiday season, he said. He referred to the tourists involved in scandals and disturbances as “these are not college vacationers.”
La Playa, also known as such, is one of the “few open cities” despite the sustained impact of the pandemic in the state of Florida, according to the mayor of the locality of around 90,000 residents, Miami Beach.
The municipal leader commented, ‘This is a dangerous combination, especially when it occurs in such a small area.’ Some bring weapons and there are those who come with alternative notions, although the majority of our guests come here for various reasons and adhere to the rules.
“Summing up what has happened in Miami Beach, Gelber described it as not complying with the use of masks and social distancing, all of this in the midst of a pandemic. There have been large crowds, weapons, open bottles, and other dangers.”
During alcohol checks, the officials reported the seizure of over 100 firearms. 398 of them were for serious crimes, the authorities had arrested over 1,000 people since the start of the holiday season.
El riesgo de contraer el coronavirus ha estado latente en Miami Beach, de acuerdo con los testimonios recogidos por DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS.
“Michael Góngora, the local commissioner, observed that the significant impact of the disease continues to be a great risk to the economy, despite Governor Ron DeSantis’ questioned stance on opening up.”
The municipal legislator stated, “We encounter difficulties when individuals visit us because we are unable to enforce penalties or control the usage of masks, similar to how cities in Miami Beach allow Governor DeSantis.”
“Afterwards they leave and leave us with the problem,” lamented Gongora, “everyone is listening to the governor and that’s why they have come to celebrate their big parties.”
Some tourists and business employees from the bustling Ocean Drive area expressed conflicting views about the virus.
Jhon, a young man who introduced himself, stated, “At this gathering, we can invite individuals who have already received the COVID vaccine.” He expressed confidence in his lack of concern about the virus.
They commented that a restaurant employee, on the other hand, said that the “contagion results can be seen days later,” while a woman warned that there are few “people I have seen wearing masks.”
Aumento policial.
The Florida and Miami-Dade cities requested additional reinforcements from the mandatory institution, as they witnessed the street disorders, but they also took into account the Spring Break. The Miami Beach Police increased their staffing on February 3rd in order to cover the President’s Day and Super Bowl weekend.
Officials from the Miami-Dade Corrections Department, Coral Gables Police Department, Florida Highway Patrol, Miami-Dade Police Department, and, according to La Playa Police spokesperson Ernesto Rodríguez, joined forces to restore peace to the area.
“No vengas a este lugar”, advirtió el alcalde Gelber, quien también advirtió que “tenemos agentes de policía en todos los lugares”, “podemos detenerte” y “mantendremos la ley y el orden”, si decides venir aquí debido a que te has sentido oprimido y deseas liberarte, [y] piensas que cualquier cosa está permitida.
Distrito cultural.
In the midst of a challenging situation, Mayor Gelber begins a proposal in political circles to change the concept of Miami Beach’s cultural and entertainment district, which is seen and identified as a district.
“It is not feasible” because it has “become the go-to destination and the disturbances caused in the region outweigh the benefits they offer,” according to the councilor’s viewpoint.
“They are committed by visitors and among visitors” affiliated with Miami-Dade, Gelber is convinced that the majority of the crimes reported on the island.
“According to him, it is time for the mayor to take ‘small steps that have already passed’ in order to perceive South Beach as a cultural and historical district.”