No bootable image found, notebook will shutdown

No bootable image found, notebook will shutdown

No Bootable Image found, notebook will shutdown

What does No bootable image found notebook will be shutdown mean?

If this error message is displayed, it means that the hardware itself has malfunctioned or encountered some issues. We can make changes to resolve the issue. If your computer is unable to boot because there is no bootable image found, it may be due to incorrectly configured BIOS settings, Boot Mode, or Boot Option.

Resolve the issue of “No Bootable Image found” to prevent the notebook from shutting down.

The case is that whatever installation you have done, there might be an issue with the system operating the drive. This could be because you mistakenly changed the operating system files or enabled the incorrect boot option. In this scenario, the system cannot detect the bootable disk, which will result in a shutdown error. No bootable image was found on the notebook.

  • Modify UEFI/BIOS Boot Options (Mode).
  • Calibrate your disk.
  • Restore BIOS settings to their default values.
  • Change your drive.
  • Let’s begin.

    1] Modify UEFI/BIOS Boot Options (Mode).

    How to directly boot into UEFI or BIOS firmware on Windows reboot

    Follow the steps below in the same order. We will reconfigure it to make the necessary changes. In this case, it is possible that you have made some adjustments to the BIOS of your system which you are unable to do. Define how your computer starts with the Boot Options. Define how your computer starts with the Boot Options. Define the Boot Options to determine how your computer starts. When you try to install an operating system from a disc.

  • Start your computer in BIOS mode.
  • Choose Boot Option, Advanced Boot Options, or Boot.
  • Now, change the UEFI/BIOS Boot Mode to Legacy mode. In case it is currently set to Legacy mode, you need to adjust it to UEFI.
  • After modifying the bios setting, simply press F10 to preserve the configuration and exit.
  • Your settings may vary as it relies on your OEM.

    Read: Select UEFI or Legacy BIOS when starting up Windows Setup or Windows PE.

    2] Restore BIOS settings to their default values.

    reset bios to defaults

    If you have made any changes, please be aware that resetting the BIOS to its default settings will also eliminate any modifications you have made since focusing on getting your device up and running. Additionally, if you accidentally made some changes to the BIOS of your computer, which is why your system is not responding, you may need to make some updates.

    After resetting the BIOS, start your computer and verify if the problem is fixed.

    Read: Windows PC fails to start up to BIOS.

    3] Calibrate your disk.

    If you have recently made any hardware changes in your computer, it might be possible that the operating system drive is not installed properly. That’s why the system cannot detect the bootable image.

    If the issue persists, check the system and turn it off once you have finished. In order to resolve this issue, open the computer case, remove the drive that has the operating system installed, reconnect the drive securely on the socket drive.

    You may need to demonstrate to the technical assistance staff how to implement this recommendation.

    4] Change your drive.

    Our hard disk should undergo testing in this scenario. Your PC is unable to recognize the hard disk, which is the reason behind the problem with your storage device after restoring the BIOS to its default configuration. If you are experiencing a similar issue.

    To examine the drive, adhere to the instructions provided below.

  • Firstly, open the computer case and detach the drive from the system.
  • If you possess an additional computer, connect this storage device and confirm whether your system is detecting this storage device or not.
  • Attach a fresh hard disk to your computer. In that situation, it is evident that this disk may have some hardware problems if it is not being recognized.
  • We trust that you resolve your problem and get your computer operational.