Find the list of Ross store hours for Monday-Sunday in the table below. Ross is a top player in the off-price department store industry, with over 1,200 locations in 33 states and 57,000 employees. Whether you’re looking to buy anything from a discount name-brand perfume to laundry hours at a Ross store, it may be of interest to you. The company was founded over 60 years ago in California, where it is currently headquartered. Ross offers a variety of discounted goods and products, including beauty, housewares, jewelry, clothing, bedding, footwear, and furniture. Ross is the largest off-price retail chain in the United States, ahead of both TJ Maxx and Marshalls.

The operating hours of Ross may differ depending on the location. On Sunday, the store is open from 9:00 AM until 10:30 PM. On Saturday, it operates from 8:30 AM to 11:00 PM. On Friday and Thursday, the store is open from 8:30 AM to 11:00 PM and 9:00 AM to 10:30 PM respectively. On Wednesday, Tuesday, and Monday, Ross operates from 9:00 AM to 10:30 PM.

To learn how to find the exact hours for the Ross department store near you, scroll down to the section below. Ross closes at 11 PM from Saturday to Friday and at 10:30 PM from Monday to Sunday. Ross opens at 9:30 AM from Friday to Saturday and at 9 AM from Sunday to Thursday. Additionally, Ross follows a similar schedule where it closes at 11 PM and opens at 9:30 AM on Saturdays. This means that operating times begin half an hour earlier and later than the first four days of the week. Most locations close at 11 PM and open at 9:30 AM, but Ross store hours can vary quite a bit compared to other department stores, sometimes even by a few hours. We recommend using the provided tools in the section below. Generally, Ross hours begin at 10:30 PM from Thursday to Monday and at 9 AM from Monday to Thursday.

Find Nearest Ross Store

We recommend this tool for finding Ross store hours because it gives you the exact and current information, and it is very simple to navigate. Each store is represented by a numbered tab on the left-hand side of the page, with the smallest numbers corresponding to the stores closest to your location in order of distance. Inside each numbered tab is a blue tab which contains the information that corresponds to the store, such as address, hours, and directions. You can be directed to a map showing all Ross stores within a general radius of your location. Simply enter your zip code, city, or state into the search bar near the top of the page. Don’t worry if the page doesn’t automatically direct you to a list of nearby Ross store hours, you can find a dependable method of finding Ross store hours through the company’s official store locator.

Google Maps

To find the desired location of Ross store, simply select the “Info and hours” tab above. A useful shortcut for the same purpose is the map below. You can view the address, phone number, customer reviews, and driving directions for each store. Google will provide you with a complete list of nearby Ross stores, along with additional information that you may find useful. To access this information, type “Ross” into the search bar and use the Google Maps tab on the main Google website. Click here to be taken to the results page where you can manually navigate using Google Maps. Finding the hours of Ross stores can be an easy and quick process with the help of Google Maps.

ROSS Mobile Application

Until the mobile application becomes accessible to customers, we suggest utilizing the two preceding tools to discover Ross store operating hours. Additionally, you can connect with the company and fellow customers via their social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram). To stay informed about in-store events, new merchandise, and more, you can subscribe to Ross’ email list using this link. However, Ross does provide various means of contact through your mobile device. We will ensure that you are kept informed about any developments and update this article to incorporate the mobile app once it is available. Presently, Ross does not provide its customers with a mobile application either. Since off-price department stores often do not offer an application, this method is not a dependable way to find Ross hours.

Ross Store Hours During the Holiday Season

During the holiday season, when you are searching for gifts and great deals, you may discover Ross holiday hours, which is a perfect opportunity to spend quality time with your family. Ross is usually open on MLK Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, and various other holidays mentioned in the table below. However, it is important to note that Ross holiday hours are subject to change and may vary depending on the location, so there is a possibility that a store might be closed on one of the listed holidays.

Make sure to use the tools provided above to find the exact holiday hours for Ross locations. The majority of Ross holiday hours can be found in the table below, although store hours may vary by location. Most locations have extended hours beginning very early in the morning until late at night, but Ross is closed on Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, (4th of July), and New Year’s Day. Alternatively, Ross is open on Independence Day.



On Friday, the Black Friday sale takes place, followed by Mardi Gras, Christmas Eve, Memorial Day, Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day, Columbus Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Easter Monday, Good Friday, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, Tax Day, Labor Day, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, and Veteran’s Day.


Please note that the hours of operation at Ross may vary during Thanksgiving Day, Independence Day (4th of July), inclement weather, New Year’s Day, Christmas Day, and Easter Sunday. Please be aware that Ross holiday hours are subject to change.