The impact of climate change is evident in the deepening drought in the Tigris-Euphrates river basin, where the Euphrates river is actually drying out, as prophesied in Revelation 16:12 by John. This particular environmental event has caused excitement among end times enthusiasts and has drawn media attention.
Origin and root
Before considering this particular prophecy, it is helpful to briefly review the geography of the local factors and the region, as this situation has contributed to it, as some commentators have pointed out.
The environmental crisis is, more generally, surely a foreshadowing of the end of days
The Tigris and Euphrates rivers, located in Northeastern Turkey, are the source of both rivers. They run roughly parallel across the southern border of Turkey, then onward to Iraq, where they eventually join together before discharging into the Persian Gulf. These two rivers account for the relative fertility of the region, forming an otherwise arid part of the world known as the Fertile Crescent. They have sustained communities since ancient times, providing a vital water source.
The Nile and the Mekong, like other international rivers, are currently experiencing regional tensions, resulting in negative effects on the Euphrates downstream, which has been obstructed at different locations along its path, similar to many other major rivers worldwide. This climate-related issue has been significantly worsened by excessive extraction and inadequate water management. The rivers, which typically rely on rainfall and snow melt, have experienced a significant and prolonged decrease, making drought the main consequence.
Scriptural foundation
The prophecy that directly relates to the end times is the one that stirs up a particular cause. This prophecy is found again in the book of Revelation, specifically referring to the drying up of the Euphrates. Scholars believe that this prophecy, found in Jeremiah 38:50, was fulfilled when Cyrus, the Persian king, conquered Babylon in 539 BC. The first mention of the Euphrates river is in the scripture of Genesis, specifically in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:10-14), where it is listed along with the Tigris as one of the rivers that “flowed” out of Eden.
It is fair to say that the game of life is like a jigsaw puzzle, where each piece constitutes another piece of the puzzle and helps identify the happenings and events in the world. Eventually, when all the pieces are in place, those who believe in the necessity of following Christ will see the complete picture.
The assembled army of the mighty kings of the East will be against Israel in the Lord, but it is not an environmental judgment upon the earth, rather a necessary precursor to the decisive battle of Armageddon. This event is described in Revelation 16 and occurs at the end of the extensive period of Tribulation. But the scripture question has a very specific context suggesting that it does not apply today. This may seem like a fair conclusion. Thus, the drying up of the Euphrates is interpreted by some as another piece of the puzzle, surely hastening the return of the Lord and the end times.
Apocalyptic perspective
This is more of an abstract threat than a present reality, for those who have lost everything in the recent wildfires. I say this simply because it is widely acknowledged that if humanity continues on its current trajectory, life as we know it will become unsustainable. While we might dismiss the idea that this particular drought event is a fulfillment of a specific end times prophecy, we should recognize that it could actually be a foreshadowing of the end of days – a generally more recognized environmental crisis.
Some view the end times as a little bit like a jigsaw, where the name of the game is to identify world events and happenings
We are called to keep doing the things he has called us to do. And Jesus tells us that those who are going about their day-to-day lives when the rapture occurs will see the return of the Lord. It won’t change until the day of the Lord’s return, and the mission of the Church has not changed. Whether we prove to be the people of God in the end times or not, we are called to be the light and salt of this world as believers in Christ.