The seats located at the rear of the cabin exhibited the lowest rate of fatalities, amounting to 32 percent.
According to survival rates, the Aviation Safety Network discovered that seats in the rear were the safest in more than 50% of the incidents, and examined 65 airplane accidents.
“According to Harro Ranter, CEO of the Aviation Safety Network, the highest likelihood of survival is typically found in the back of the aircraft,” stated Ranter in an interview with the Express. “In the event of a real emergency, I cannot envision any circumstance that would make sitting in the front safer.”
The most unfavorable option, a middle seat in the cabin’s aisle, with a mortality rate of 44 percent, was discovered to be the safest choice, having a mortality rate of 28 percent – in contrast to a middle seat located at the rear of the aircraft.
Tips for Ensuring Safety during Air Travel
There are other ways that passengers can ensure safety on a flight. Here are some tips for the next time you fly.
Choosing the appropriate attire
The attire you choose can also have an impact.
One of the most important things when boarding a plane is to avoid taking them off, and wearing appropriate shoes.
A study conducted by Boeing revealed that 50% of aircraft accidents occur during the process of taking off and landing.
In the event of a crash, fire or shattered glass may block the aisle, making it difficult to evacuate without footwear.
Christine Negroni, an expert on plane crashes and the author of The Crash Detectives: Investigating The World’s Most Mysterious Air Disasters, informed Sun Online Travel that following a collision, passengers have numerous options available to assist themselves.
“I believe it should be,” she said. “One of the greatest actions individuals can take is to wear their shoes during take-off and landing. This is still not mandated by numerous airlines.”
You could step on a large piece of aluminum. It could be wet and cold, and there could be debris as well as fire when people are getting off a plane in a crash.
When choosing outfits, it is advisable to go for more fitted pants and garments made of cotton or wool instead of polyester or nylon. It is also recommended to avoid wearing loose clothing or any materials that are highly flammable.
Christine added that it would be good to have jeans to wear on this flight, but it is obviously not something you want every flight to be dressed for combat. It is also a good idea to not have anything too free-flowing in terms of clothing.
Be cautious primarily on the side. Choose high heels over sneakers, opt for synthetic materials over natural fibers, and go for loose-fitting clothing instead of tight-fitting garments.
Taking out pointed items from pockets
A Boeing pilot recommended that passengers always remove pointed items from their pockets.
The reason is that you could harm the emergency slide if there is something pointy on you.
Determine the number of seats closest to the nearest emergency exit.
It is recommended to determine the quantity of seats that exist between you and the closest emergency exit.
If visibility is poor, this is because the exit will guide you and others to be able to yourself in the event of an accident.
Avoid interlocking fingers while assuming the brace position.
How you perform the brace position could affect your chances of survival as interlocking your fingers could cause severe injuries.
Passengers are expected to place their head between their knees and cover it with their hands to ensure protection of the back of the skull.
A rough voyage would probably occur when, in order to secure the hands, the inclination is to interlock the fingers while performing this action.
A Reddit user said that in a situation where passengers have to cover their heads, you should place one hand on top of the other but do not lock your fingers and keep your head on them.
“If something drops on your hand/head, you’ll still have one functional hand to utilize.”
However, airplane accidents are still extremely uncommon – with deadly incidents occurring only once in every five million flights.