Parents are still very important, even though teenagers become more independent with their own interests and personalities. During this age, teens make more choices about school, studying, sports, and friends. They may also face challenges such as family problems, depression, and eating disorders. This is also a time when teens might feel pressure to engage in sexual activities, use drugs, tobacco, and alcohol due to peer influence. Parents might be worried about how their teens are perceived by others and these changes. Most girls start their period and experience breast development and pubic hair growth. Most boys experience their voices deepening and the growth of pubic, facial, and body hair. Puberty is a time of many social, emotional, mental, and physical changes.
Here is some information on the development of young teenagers:
Emotional/Social Changes
Children in this particular age bracket might:
Thinking and Learning
Children in this particular age bracket might:
Positive Parenting Tips
Following are some things you, as a parent, can do to help your child during this time:
Child Safety First
Safeguard your child with some suggestions. Regardless of their age, you have a crucial part in ensuring their safety.