If you’ve recently taken up French as a second language, you may have been drawn to it by its romantic allure. If that sounds like you, then you need to drop everything and focus on learning how to say I love you in French.
There is certainly much to gain from learning how to express love in French, even if you have other reasons for studying.
You may wish to reconsider, even if you believe you already possess extensive knowledge regarding love in French. French individuals have a distinct perspective on love and the appropriate timing and manner in expressing “I love you.”
On a related subject, explore a plethora of romantic expressions and terms about love in the French language here.
If you want to express your love to a French person, it is important to keep in mind that cultural context plays a significant role. Furthermore, by reading and learning 141 different ways to say “I love you” in French, you can ensure that your expressions of love are authentic and genuine.
Get our complimentary desktop background and commemorate love each day. Alternatively, acquire our exquisite French Essentials e-book to assist you in acquiring a few fundamental French vocabulary and expressions here!
Table of contents
Why should you learn to talk about love in French? Check out all the reasons why learning to express your feelings of love in French will help you on your journey of learning French.
In the worst-case scenario, it has the potential to prevent you from damaging a significant relationship, and in the best-case scenario, from experiencing potential humiliation! Among the numerous crucial factors, the final one is especially noteworthy, as the French adhere to specific norms regarding the appropriate timing for expressing “I love you.”
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To a friend, family member or non-romantic love.
Adding a bien after je t’aime is the most commonly used method to express this in French, which is somewhat paradoxical. When speaking to a friend, there is a straightforward approach to saying “I love you” without implying romantic love, but rather expressing affection or care for someone occasionally.
If you’ve already taken a few French classes, you’re probably familiar with how “well” or “good” usually means and how to increase it rather than reduce its intensity.
“However, the declaration of ‘I love you sufficiently’ is what you truly mean when you say je t’aime bien, with the underlying implication. By adding bien after the verb, the meaning of bien transforms into ‘enough’ or ‘sufficiently’. Thus, it can be perceived as somewhat merciless.”
We assure you that their emotions will not be harmed. It is completely fine to express “je t’aime bien” to your friends and family. Be confident that it does not imply any negative implications in French, although it may sound blunt.
In French, instead of randomly blurting out “you, goodnight” to someone you love, I would prefer if you could show us a more natural way of avoiding raising eyebrows. Additionally, you can make things sound more authentic by adding a few more words here and there.
Good night, I love you.
How do you say “my love” in French?
Another way to express your affection for your loved ones is by giving them pet names, which you can call them by instead of saying “I love you.”
Here, if you want to put your own spin on terms of endearment and other ways to say “I love you” in French, you might consider mastering the language of animals. Even when speaking about pets, it is important to remember that all terms of endearment are meant to show love and affection. So, even if some of them sound a little strange, like “flea” in French, which translates to “puce” and sounds similar to “my little flea,” they are still meant to be affectionate.
Here are a few of the most popular endearing pet monikers in French, and we have also provided their respective situations!
The spelling pronunciation context of “My love” in English is “Mon amour” in French, pronounced as “Mon ah-moor”. It is used with lovers. Similarly, “My angel” is “Mon ange” in French, pronounced as “Mon anzh” and used with lovers. “My heart” is “Mon coeur” in French, pronounced as “Moh kurr” and used with lovers. “My duck” is “Mon canard” in French, pronounced as “Moh kah-nar” and used with lovers. “My sweetie” is “Mon doudou” in French, pronounced as “Moh doo-doo” and used with lovers. “My sweet bun” is “Mon chou” in French, pronounced as “Moh shoo” and used with lovers. “My rabbit” is “Mon lapin” in French, pronounced as “Moh lah-pah” and used with lovers. “My baby” is “Mon bébé” in French, pronounced as “Moh beh-beh” and used with lovers. “My darling” can be “Mon chéri” for men or “Ma chérie” for women in French, pronounced as “Ma sheh-ree” and used with lovers, friends, and family. “My kitten” can be “Mon chaton” in French, pronounced as “Moh sha-toh” and used with lovers, friends, and family. “My treasure” can be “Mon trésor” in French, pronounced as “Moh treh-sore” and used with lovers, friends, and family. “My flea” can be “Ma puce” in French, pronounced as “Ma poos” and used with lovers, friends, and family. “My little wolf” is “Mon petit loup” in French, pronounced as “Moh loop” and used for men and boys. “My chicken” is “Mon poulet” in French, pronounced as “Moh poo-lay” and used for men and boys. “My man” is “Mon homme” in French, pronounced as “Mon om” and used for men and boys. “My pomeranian” is “Mon loulou” in French, pronounced as “Moh loo-loo” and used for men and boys. “My dove” is “Ma colombe” in French, pronounced as “Ma co-lomb” and used for women and little girls. “My shrimp” is “Ma crevette” in French, pronounced as “Ma creh-vet” and used for women and little girls. “My butterfly” is “Mon papillon” in French, pronounced as “Moh pa-pee-yo” and used for women and little girls. “My doe” is “Ma bichette” in French, pronounced as “Ma bi-shet” and used for women and little girls. “My reason for living” is “Ma raison de vivre” in French, pronounced as “Ma reh-soh duh veevr” and can be used affectionately with children. “My starry sky” is “Mon ciel étoilé” in French, pronounced as “Moh see-el eh-too-ah-leh” and can be used affectionately with children. “My favorite” is “Mon préféré” in French, pronounced as “Moh preh-feh-reh” and can be used affectionately with children. “My love apple” is “Ma pomme d’amour” in French, pronounced as
How do you express “I adore you” in the French language?
If you grew up in the United States, you probably have a very clear idea of the phases of first dating. After a few weeks or even months of telling someone you love them, it’s a serious point to ask them on a date and tell them you like them.
Well, there is no such thing in France as a difference between how much I love you and how much I like you, considering that we’ve covered how murky the distinction is when it comes to these two phases of dating.
You are dating. You are in an exclusive relationship. I love you as much as I like you. There is no such thing as the “I love you” phase. You are in an exclusive relationship. You are dating. If you want to start going out with someone like them, go for it.
If you want to ask someone out, be very careful with your words and make sure that you don’t use “je t’aime bien” as a way to let them know that you’re interested in them romantically.
If you want to be straightforward, instead of asking someone if they want to go out with you by saying “do you want to go out with me,” you could also say “me plais tu” which roughly translates to “you fancy I” to imply that you are physically attracted to them.
If you’re very young and want to use this term, just keep in mind that “kiffe te Je” is also a French slang phrase.
I want you.
Will you wed me in the French language?
If you are absolutely certain, you might be wondering how to propose and take your relationship with your chéri(e) to the next level.
If you’re planning to propose in the near future, you’ll definitely want to familiarize yourself with the following expressions.
Let’s tie the knot and become husband and wife! Unissons-nous et devenons mari et femme ! Yni.Sɔ̃ nu.E e də.Və.Nɔ̃ ma.ʁi e fam.
Songs of love in the French language.
One of the best ways to improve your language skills is by listening to songs in your target language, as it trains your brain to naturally digest and translate things in your head without having to consciously think about it.
If you want to learn how to sing along to a couple of love songs, it can be a great way to memorize specific French vocabulary. Additionally, it can be quite helpful.
Here are some of our favorite Songs of love in the French language..
La vie en rose by Edith Piaf
Before reading this blog about French love, you must have heard some of the lyrics of the quintessential romantic French song “La Vie en Rose.” Now, under your belt, you should be able to make out some vocabulary of love.
If you have perfect pitch, even singing this song can be a lot of fun. Apart from your singing abilities, with enough practice, you will be able to sing along to the song like a professional.
Tout s’efface by Patrick Bruel
If you still have trouble fully understanding the difference between how much I love you and how much I love you, you all need to listen to Patrick Bruel’s chorus where he sings solemnly and everything fades away.
You like me, I love you, plain and simple. The difference is called love.
So, the distinction between je t’aime bien and je t’aime is simply referred to as: love.
Pour que tu m’aimes encore by Céline Dion
Looking for great songs, music reinforces vocabulary. Céline Dion, a French-Canadian powerhouse ballad, has an excellent discography. Do you love me encore?
If you desire to enhance your French skills, consider committing a couple of her melodies to memory. Additionally, explore the remaining collection of Céline Dion’s French musical repertoire if you enjoy this particular song.
Romantic expressions in the French language.
If you are already well-versed in talking about love in French, you may want to know some additional ways to express love, including the verb “aimer” and the term “amour.”
If you’re not feeling very confident in your ability to talk about specific parts of the body in French, we can give you a quick and handy review. There are many compliments you can give about different parts of the body. If you’re trying to win someone over, learning a few of these fabulously romantic phrases in French will take you far beyond just words. There’s so much more love that goes beyond the surface.
Those who love well, forget slowly.
How to say I love you in French
So, what does it mean that I also like you? You may not know, but I probably already know that. However, if you have studied French for a little while, you may already know that I like you.
Part of the experience of studying a foreign language is that it makes learning a new culture worthwhile. That’s why you need to go beyond simply asking “How do you say I love you in French?” In order to truly become skilled at expressing love in French. Additionally, you will also get the opportunity to learn about a new culture.
When learning French, it is imperative to understand the cultural norms and know when and where it is appropriate to use certain phrases to express love.
Continue reading to discover everything about the French cultural sensitivities surrounding terms and expressions connected to affection.
To a boyfriend, girlfriend and/or romantic love
When considering casually saying “je t’aime” to someone you’re not completely infatuated with, exercise caution. This phrase signifies your willingness to engage in a profound and dedicated relationship with them since expressing love to a romantic partner holds significant importance.
It is uncommon for children to never say “I love you” to their fathers and mothers. You will also find that French people don’t tend to express love outwardly with their family and friends.
In France, things are different. You have the freedom to convey your affection to almost every dear friend and family member. However, in Latin America, expressing love is a common occurrence for the majority of individuals. If you have previously explored the concept of love in Spanish culture, you likely know that this stands in stark opposition to Spanish-speaking societies, for instance.
We are here to help you, whether you have a boyfriend, girlfriend, or partner, to understand how to express your love in French. Let’s focus on that for now. We will discuss various phrases and endearing nicknames for expressing platonic love with French individuals in a separate section below.
Let’s get into it. I love French phrases more, as they are risky. I simple like French in more. There are many ways to express love to your significant other, as shown in the table below.
Spelling IPA French English Pronunciation tem Zhe ʒə tɛm aime Je I love you em voos‿ ɛm ʒə vuz‿ aime Je I love you (plural or formal) osi ɛm‿ tɛlmɑ̃ ʒə tɛm I love you too tɛlmɑ̃ ʒə tɛm I love you so much tɑ̃ ʒə tɛm I love you so much fɔʁ ʒə tɛm I love you so much ply ʒə tɛm I love you more ply kə tut‿ o mɔ̃d ʒə tɛm I love you more than the entire world ɑ̃tje mɔ̃d‿ ɑ̃tje lə kə que plus I love you with all my heart kœʁ mɔ̃ də tout də tɛm I love you with all my heart ʒuʁ paʁ fwa sɑ̃ ʒə tɛm I love you a hundred times a day beau mɔ̃, ʒə tɛm I love you handsome bɛl ma, ʒə tɛm I love you beautiful entier monde le que plus ʒə tɛm I love you more than the entire world tout plus ʒə tɛm I love you more ɑ̃kɔʁ ʒə tɛm I still love you tɛm que kə ʒə kʁwa I think I love you də fou suis Je toi I am crazy about you de fou suis Je toi I am crazy about you for heels over head too-ah duh to-ah tom-beh suis Je I have fallen for you too-ah à suis Je toi avec être veux Je I want to be with you voir te de impatient suis Je I can’t wait to see you twa sans vivre pas peux ne Je I can’t live without you too-ah de besoin ai J’ I need you court tout ʒə tɛm I love you very much mwatje otʁə mɔ̃n‿ es ty You are my other half t’appartient cœur Mon My heart belongs to you ɛ̃ də fond du tɛm I love you deeply ply ɑ̃ ply də tɛm I love you more and more mond du copain petit meilleur le es ty You’re the best boyfriend in the world mond du copine petite meilleure la es ty You’re the best girlfriend in the world
Frequently Asked Questions about romance in the French language.
Do French people not say “I love you”?
French couples are known for being physically affectionate with their spouses in public, which is why they shy away from professing their love for each other in words. However, they do so very rarely, of course.
If you were raised in the United States, expressing “I adore you” to your spouse, companion, and even offspring is something that occurs less frequently than one would anticipate. Nevertheless, French culture can be remarkably straightforward in numerous aspects. Additionally, it can be quite indirect in numerous others.
‘Like’ can also mean it. However, ‘love’ strictly means that verb because they don’t have the three famous words at their disposal, which is why they have to take a circuitous route to arrive at their destination.
When you hear a French person saying that they love sports, they are simply exaggerating the other meaning of sports that they imply.
People in France tend to express their love for cute pets using alternative ways like referring to them by cute names and using small gestures.
What does “J’adore” mean in French?
I really love something like it, when you want to say that you like it, it’s more of a slight step-down from j’aime, used in French.
I really enjoy cinema and I like it at an intermediate level. I can say that I love cinema in this case. I wouldn’t go as far as saying that I love cinema, but let’s say that you really enjoy going to the movies, for example.
How do you reply to “Je t’aime” in French?
If the love is reciprocated, you can respond with je t’aime aussi or moi aussi, je t’aime.
There are several ways you can respond when someone says “I love you” to you. However, if you don’t love the person back, you should be prepared to not simply utter those words.
I don’t love you anymore.Output: I no longer have feelings for you.
Romantic phrases in the French language.
Here are some of our favorite love quotes that you can use to impress whoever you are trying to flatter. Learning how to show love in French is only a small part of the battle, but if you truly want to be a romantic person, you’ll need to know love quotes and phrases.
To love is not to gaze at one another, but to gaze together in the same direction.Love is the honey of life, which blossoms like a flower.Living without love is not truly living.No words are needed between two hearts that love each other.The only happiness in life is to love and be loved.If you could see into my heart, you would find the place where I have placed you.Love is unpredictable, like the wind.When we are loved, we have no doubts. When we love, we doubt everything.Love brings both the sweetest pleasures and the most painful misfortunes in life.I have loved passionately. What some call madness, is the only way I know how to love.I wish for you to be loved passionately.But what love has joined together, even time cannot separate.To live on love alone.Love is blind.There is nothing small in love. Those who wait for big occasions to show their affection do not know how to love.
Now you’re ready to conquer love, in French!
And now you’re ready to conquer all romantic endeavors, asking someone in French to marry you is like risky phrases, but you love them very much in French, I declare my adoration and affection in a hundred different ways that you’re now well-familiar with, and that’s exactly what I like!
If you’re feeling like a hopeless romantic and wondering “How do I say ‘I love you’ in French?”, We hope you’ve found this blog helpful. Now, you have all the tools you need to navigate any romantic endeavors in French.
You can also check out our French blog for many more resources on French learning. If you have any questions about learning French or any other language, feel free to always contact us.
Thank you for reading until the conclusion! Berlitz adores you!