Bin Laden’s Last Days: Caught Between Feuding Wives

In 2001, Khairiah Sabar escaped from Afghanistan and resided in Iran. Unexpectedly, doubts arose among bin Laden’s spouses when the oldest one, Khairiah Sabar, appeared in Pakistan. As per Brigadier Shaukat Qadir’s investigation, which involved discussions with the spouses and other individuals residing in the residence.

The residents of the house and Abdul Fattah quickly developed a disagreement with the newcomer. Bin Laden occupied a room with his youngest and most beloved spouse, Amal Ahmed Abdul Fatah, directly beneath the room where Sabar emerged at the Abbottabad residence in either February or March 2011, only a few months prior to the U.S. Navy SEALs raid and his subsequent relocation to a room on the second floor. It is believed that Sabar is approximately seven years older than bin Laden.

Sabar inquired about the reason for her visit to Abbottabad after a considerable amount of time. This information was relayed by Brigadier Qadir, who had been granted access to the transcripts of Abdul Fatah’s interrogation carried out by Pakistan’s intelligence agency. The individual who posed the question was Khalid bin Laden, the son of the al Qaeda leader, and he was residing in the compound with his third wife.

Khalid reportedly told Sabar, “I have one final duty to perform for my husband.”

Sabar, a feisty woman who officials described as even frightening Pakistani intelligence officials, was also interrogated. She had previously been under house arrest in Iran before being released in 2010.

“She is extremely assertive to the point where she almost becomes intimidating,” one official informed Qadir.

According to Pakistani tribal leaders, Fatah Abdul, the youngest wife of bin Laden, had kept her protection set up close to her since the attacks on 9/11.

Khalid bin Laden, together with his father, perished during the operation. In the aftermath of bin Laden’s demise, ABC News was informed by U.S. Authorities that she purportedly hurriedly approached the SEALs without any weapons, aiming to shield her spouse, all while the U.S. Navy SEALs launched an assault on the Abbottabad complex. The 29-year-old steadfastly stayed by bin Laden’s presence.

After the compound, which was shared by Osama bin Laden with his three wives, eight children, and five grandchildren, was demolished last month, Pakistani intelligence analysts expressed concerns that the building could become a shrine for supporters of al-Qaeda.

Before the September 11 attacks, Bin Laden ended his marriage with his first wife, but subsequently entered into matrimony with at least four women. On Thursday, the Interior Minister of Pakistan declared that the three wives were being accused of unlawfully entering the country, without mentioning the commencement of the trial or the potential consequences they might face.

The Pakistani “Abbottabad Commission,” which is currently completing its report, has investigated the circumstances under which bin Laden managed to reside undetected in the compound between 2005 and 2011.

This report was contributed by The Associated Press.