The book mostly reveals surprising and intimate tidbits about Ford Harrison’s affair with her. While everyone knows about it, the audio version of Fisher’s book, The Princess Diarist, felt like she was whispering her personal and deeply felt experiences to me through my earbuds. The day she died, Fisher read the audio version herself, making it even more poignant. Later that day, I happened to be listening to the book and was deeply saddened and shocked by Carrie Fisher’s sudden loss, followed by the loss of her mother, Debbie Reynolds. I’m still deeply saddened and shocked, as it feels like the world has lost one of its most beloved figures.
1. Fisher was requested to shed 10 pounds in order to portray Leia

Fisher said, “between my ears and no larger,” was where my face was keeping bookends, as they might think I could function on buns. Surprisingly, the producers told her to take off 10 pounds from her petite frame, even though she already weighed only 110 pounds. Fisher said she was hired to play Princess Leia when she was only 19.
To shed pounds, her mother decided to send her to a “weight loss retreat” in Texas, where she had the opportunity to meet Ann Landers and Ladybird Johnson. However, Fisher’s stay at the retreat only lasted a week because she couldn’t handle the pressure and realized she was already at a healthy weight. She admitted to being filled with fear during the filming of Star Wars, worrying that the producers would find out she hadn’t successfully dropped the pounds.
More: Did you notice these 15 hidden surprises in Rogue One?
2. Fearlessly without a bra

Beatty could tell from the photo above that Fisher liked it better without her bra. He asked to see Fisher in her tennis outfit without her bra. As I stood there, somewhere else, if my breasts were there. “Is she wearing one now?” Warren squinted in the general direction of my breasts. Beatty, the star and director of Shampoo, asked Fisher if she should wear a bra for the department store costume. However, the directors of Star Wars and Shampoo in the 1970s didn’t want her to burn her bra.
3. No brassieres in outer space
I’m still trying to figure out the logistics. Lucas later explained that your body expands in space due to the lack of gravity, which might actually strangle your bra. George Lucas, the director, said that Leia’s Princess gown in Star Wars showed up wearing white panties and a bra underneath.
More: What you should be aware of regarding females and cardiac arrests following the passing of Carrie Fisher.
4. The hairstyle was influenced by women who fought in the Mexican revolution.
Fisher arrived when, Star Wars arrived in London. McDermott Patricia, an Irish woman named Fisher, showed some sketches of her hairstyle, the hairstylist of the movie. Many of them were inspired by different cultures around the world. This includes “Swedish maids to Russian princesses.” Eventually, we arrived at the hairy earphone configuration. This particular hairstyle was inspired by the women who fought in the Mexican Revolution from 1910 to 1920, known as Adelitas or Soldaderas. It seems perfect for a feisty space princess.
5. Motivation for all that self-pleasure

Why did all these men find it so easy to love me and then find it so complex to love me? I have mixed feelings about love, especially when it was their first time approaching me. If I had known that they were all masturbating, I would have generated an approach. Apparently, Fisher is not shy about telling me about it. And most of them have used the picture of Princess Leia in the metal bikini as fodder for pleasuring themselves. Every teenage boy from 1977 has the image of Princess Leia in the metal bikini burned into his brain.
Additionally: Twitter commemorates Carrie Fisher’s contributions to combating the stigma surrounding mental illness.
6. Home-destruction

Eddie Fisher, her father, departed from her mother, Debbie Reynolds, to be with Elizabeth Taylor when Fisher was just a young child. Fisher and her brother, Todd, were deeply saddened by this. Fisher expressed that she held herself responsible for her father’s departure during her upbringing. This experience caused her to never desire involvement with a married man. However, when she encountered Harrison Ford, she felt conflicted about engaging in an affair with him, as she was aware that he had two children. Nevertheless, while being 19 years old and spending three lengthy months in England, she yielded to his attractive appearance and reserved demeanor. It’s somewhat difficult to fault her for her actions.

Ah, Carrie Fisher. We long for your presence. May the power of others be with you.