Daily Word Hurdle answers: Clues and tips for today’s Wordle 2 word of the day (August 13)

Depending on the answer, solving Wordle 2 can either be an extremely challenging day or a breeze. We got a few tips and hints to help you get started on August 13, 2023. These new solving rules for Wordle 2 make it a unique experience.


  • Is Wordle 2 equivalent to Word Hurdle in terms of gameplay?
  • Tips for today’s Word Hurdle.
  • Today’s answers.
  • Yesterday’s answers.
  • How to participate.
  • Previous answers.
  • The game originally called Hurdle Word and 2 Wordle, which was similar to being named 2 Wordle due to its name change, is now called Wordle. The owners of the original Wordle game, The New York Times, used to be called 2 Wordle until it was changed. Hurdle Word and 2 Wordle are the same game.

    Throughout this article, we will be referring to the new game as “Word Hurdle,” as it has been since its inception.

    How to participate. Word Hurdle

    To participate, follow these easy instructions:

  • Visit the Word Hurdle webpage.
  • You will be redirected to the challenge page automatically.
  • Enter your predicted words.
  • When all letters are colored blue, it means that the word has been successfully guessed!
  • Today’s Word Hurdle of the day

    If you are still unsure about the current Word Hurdle answer, here are the solutions:





    Don’t worry, there will always be a new Wordle 2 waiting for you tomorrow, along with fresh clues, if you were unable to guess this one.

    Word Hurdle hints and clues for today’s solution (August 13)

    Here are a couple of suggestions to assist you in guessing today’s word of the day:.


  • This word contains a pair of vowels.
  • The term begins with the letter C.
  • A location for medical practice.
  • Afternoon

  • This word contains a pair of vowels.
  • The term commences with the letter F.
  • The procedure of arranging documents.
  • These are the clues for August 13th. If you’re still having difficulty, we have the solutions provided below.

    We suggest verifying the solution prior to your sixth try in order to maintain your winning streak.

    Yesterday’s Word Hurdle of the day

    I missed out on yesterday’s Wordle and now I am wondering what the two words below are.

    Yesterday the two Wordle 2 words of the day were:.Output: The previous day, the two Wordle 2 words selected were:.





    Previous Word Hurdle answers list

    Here are all the previous Wordle answers. It’s always useful to know what came before, but it’s unlikely that the previous words will be repeated.

    If you want to solve the original Wordle and are looking for similar puzzles to check our other work, make sure to come back tomorrow for more tips, clues, and answers. That’s all for today’s daily Wordle word of the day.