DeSantis reveals he used ‘balls’ – golf balls – to meet wife Casey

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis disclosed that he had ‘golf balls’ to express gratitude for his serendipitous encounter with his wife Casey.

In his recent sit-down interview with Piers Morgan, the governor of Florida, Casey, discussed how he met a local TV reporter in a golf course in 2006.

While explaining the story to Morgan, he clarified that when she narrates it, she mentions that she was observing his container of practice golf balls, but he perceived that the attractive brunette was actually glancing in his direction.

The Florida governor, Morgan, was informed, “I utilized the spheres as a means to initiate a conversation with her. We distributed the spheres amongst ourselves and proceeded to strike them, which led to our conversation. Subsequently, we went out, and the remainder of the story unfolded. However, in reality, I believe she was fixated on the spheres. I truly believe I made an error!”

The Republican-approved ‘Don’t Say Gay’ legislation, Disney’s objection to the corporation, DeSantis has been engaging in a conflict with Disney over. They tied the knot at Walt Disney World, announcing in November that they have been married since September 2009, DeSantis and Florida’s inaugural lady have been wedded.

‘So, you have a collection of golf balls to appreciate for genuine love?’ Morgan pondered.

The governor responded, ‘I certainly do!’ It just so happened that we both had the same thought at the same time. Just as we were about to leave, a local TV reporter came by. It turns out she’s fresh out of the Navy, and I’m just starting. We had both thought that there would be a day in 2006 when we would randomly meet at the same time.

The governor of Florida informed Morgan that he recognized early in his relationship with Casey that she was the one.

DeSantis clarified, ‘I realized quite early on that this was unique’ and I took deliberate steps to pursue a romantic relationship with her.’ ‘Naturally, when I was deployed to Iraq, we remained committed to each other throughout that period, but I made a personal commitment to propose as soon as I returned from Iraq, and that’s exactly what happened.’

DeSantis mentioned that he brought Casey to a ‘lovely small retreat in Florida.’

He disclosed, “And we were outside on the balcony, and I possessed a pleasant ring, and I descended to the knee and inquired of her.”

Morgan teased him: ‘So you knelt down? Boss?’.

DeSantis responded, hinting at the GOP resistance towards athletes who kneeled during the national anthem as a form of protest against racial inequity, ‘Yes, indeed. That’s the sole occasion I kneel, solely for that purpose.’

DeSantis mentioned that his soon-to-be bride wasn’t particularly taken aback by the proposal.

He stated, ‘Not only because we have a companion, but also because we have three exceptional children. Furthermore, she excels as a remarkable mother and an exceptional first lady.’ ‘She made it clear that she was content and that we were prepared to progress to the next stage. Therefore, I don’t believe it was a complete surprise, but it was satisfying to achieve that victory. Additionally, I don’t believe I could have achieved greater success in life.’

DeSantis also explained how his spouse has only become more attractive as time has passed.

She battled breast cancer for four years, during which she also became a mother. In 2019, she looked different compared to 2023 – she was more attractive, yet she struck the same pose while sitting at her desk. In 2023, I came across a picture of her from the 2019 inauguration, and she appears to have undergone a complete transformation.

‘How do you become more beautiful after four years of that?’ He inquired. ‘She finds a way to do it.’

Casey DeSantis received a breast cancer diagnosis in October 2021.

The governor remembered how his wife felt pressured to get a mammogram, even though she had been reassured by a doctor that there was nothing to be concerned about, because she still had a lingering feeling that something was amiss.

The Republican remembered, ‘that was exceedingly challenging,’ for breast cancer when it returned positive. ‘It completely alters your life, alters the course of your family.’

“That’s why I was present, simply providing assistance. I attended all of the chemotherapy sessions alongside her, and I faced criticism from the opposition for not being present in the office on one particular day. However, during that time, I was actually at the cancer center with her, despite their claims that I was neglecting my responsibilities,” he remarked. “Therefore, I consider that to be one of the most challenging moments. Additionally, I must mention the impact of chemotherapy. It completely drains your energy. It involves introducing harmful substances into your body, and witnessing someone you deeply care about endure such a process was truly difficult. It’s disheartening to witness and makes you question, ‘What can I do? I cannot suddenly make it better.'”

He mentioned that although he was apprehensive about the situation, he also had faith in her recovery.

“I thought she was absolutely going to beat it, but it wouldn’t be easy. I knew that we ended up doing all the things the doctors said, and I talked to doctors from all around the country. I had a plan and I felt really confident. So, I’m looking at the data and it seems like the treatments are going well. I’d be scared too if I were in her shoes, because she didn’t necessarily want to hear that she was going to beat it. You said, ‘I looked up the data and I’m just like any other person, scared but always have that fear.’

Casey was declared cancer-free in March of last year.