In 2014, popular comedian and actor Tracy Morgan was involved in a devastating collision that altered his life forever. He was struck by a Walmart truck while traveling on the New Jersey turnpike in a limousine, resulting in severe injuries and the unfortunate lasting effects of this event. Despite the seemingly miraculous recovery, it is still said that Morgan has much to say about the lasting effects of this unfortunate event.
Jimmy McNair, a fellow comedian and friend, was the only person in the limousine who suffered fatal injuries while traveling with six other people.
Tracy Morgan continues to publicly mourn the passing of his honor and McNair on social media. He openly laments that he will never recover from this loss, but he has seen remarkable improvements in his overall well-being.
Severe Head Injury
Toppling onto its side, the limousine eventually came to a halt after crashing into other vehicles. Morgan’s limousine bus was struck from behind and had to swerve into Morgan’s limo to prevent crashing into other drivers when the driver of a Walmart tractor trailer failed to react to the reduced speeds of nearby vehicles. One of the most catastrophic consequences stemming from this incident was Morgan’s severe brain injury.
One of the most devastating developments resulting from this event was Morgan’s traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Mention some of the enduring consequences of traumatic brain injury. Tracy Morgan underwent a lengthy process of recovery to regain his previous state after being diagnosed with TBI.
Following his accident, the comedian did not display notable indications of progress for over a complete year, as stated by Morgan’s attorney. His family, friends, and professional team provided steady support and motivation, for which he acknowledges them as a consistent wellspring of encouragement. During the initial phases of his recuperation, the comedian confesses to enduring prolonged periods of sadness.
Reduced Mobility
After he woke up, he experienced complete blindness for an entire week and remained unconscious for several days. The crash resulted in fractures in every bone of his face, his femur was completely shattered, and he endured multiple fractured ribs. With extensive physical rehabilitation and the passage of time, he eventually regained the ability to walk, although he relied on a cane. Tracy Morgan was confined to a wheelchair for several months after the accident.
Tracy Morgan, Today’s guest, is closer to being the person he was before his accident, although he still struggles to walk without any assistive device or cane. In a 2020 interview, Morgan talked about his goals and how he has been learning to independently walk using these tools, so that he can have a normal trip down the aisle at his upcoming nuptials.
Once again, during this interview, the actor stated that he had learned how to stand up and sit down without any assistance, despite the fact that these actions were small. His life is still filled with physical challenges resulting from the accident, but his recovery has been hailed as remarkable, even though he still struggles with his movements.
The Quest for Remuneration
The driver of the Walmart truck, undoubtedly traveling at a high speed just before the collision, had their attempts at avoiding the crash completely changed by Tracy Morgan’s life. This occurred when they came across a significant cluster of slow-moving vehicles.
It is crucial to consult with an attorney after sustaining an injury. This incident only emphasizes that fact. Walmart eventually reached a settlement with the actor and all other individuals on board for an undisclosed sum of money, despite the claim that Morgan’s injuries were not caused by the driver’s negligence, but rather by Morgan’s failure to wear a suitable safety restraint while traveling in the limousine. However, astonishingly, attorneys representing Walmart made this argument.
Truck accidents are often devastating, causing physical ravages and struggles with both TBI and other functions for more than six years. Despite this, Tracy Morgan’s recovery is certainly impressive. However, many people never reclaim their former personalities, speaking abilities, and other functions after TBI. The recovery from TBI can be incredibly challenging and long, and it is never guaranteed that sufferers will regain their former levels of brain functioning.