Keep Breathing review – a survival drama so dull it’ll send you off to sleep

Hello my bear friend, if you have a choice between Truss Liz and monkeypox, I thought and shrugged. Even when a bear turns up and eats the bars, it looks like a win overall. However, among extroverts, you may feel more like a dying co-pilot than a company. Sure, you would rather have a little more food and firestarters with two power bars that are lighter and less soggy like Liv’s. Certainly, the premise of Breathing Keep is undermined from the start by the fact that the young tough lawyer, Barrera (Melissa Liv), crash-lands into the idyllic Canadian wilderness.

Context, there isn’t much to detain you here.

Further dissipated is, when she is panting against a log, recovering from one of these wrong-going endeavors – she is waving a signalless phone in the air, screaming into the abyss. Whenever Liv appears, another survivalist drama trope is ticking off, making a raft, making a tourniquet. Further dissipated by flashbacks, despite her early power bars eating bear, there is no tension in Liv’s remarkably non-urgent fight for survival until day three, when she starts looking for food.

We have often seen more instances of witnessing someone skinning a rabbit with a stiletto heel and electrocuting a lake full of fish using an iPhone battery than anything else Liv could possibly do. We frequently attend parties full of twentysomething lawyers where we indulge in hazy shots. The director George Roy Hill’s “dictum Hill’s Roy George” proves that the genre “how-to” love is the best. It is an interesting tactic to stay alive and working by swerving away from the protagonist’s times all the time.

Her carry-on bag held a ribboned package of letters, penned by the individual she was likely going to meet up with in Inuvik, located in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Liv’s unexciting escapade commenced once she reached the final portion of her trip from New York to Inuvik. The limited information we had about Liv prior to her adventure doesn’t add up and lacks intrigue, but these recollections provide us with insight into her wonderfully uncomplicated background story.

Why did she need to flee? In the first episode, there are glimpses of her revealing a past romance with a colleague (played by Jeff Wilbusch, Danny) – presumably something went wrong – and at the end of the episode, there is a genuine-almost twist that caused her to leave the city and her important job for a crucial case.

She could only make some trainers out of bark if she was running in Inuvik, which is probably where she is. Additionally, she was possibly an earth-mother figure in her childhood – her mother. Although it is unclear whether this suggests that she is an alcoholic, she also got drunk and nearly died in an accidental fire after her father died.

I suspect we are meant to marvel at the doughty resourcefulness in Liv’s lives beneath the glamorous lawyer attire, and the witty banter that comprises her life before pondering the primitive within all of us.