Explore this page on their website. Interested in discovering the complete Nutritional Information regarding Shack Shack foods? Within this article and guide, we will showcase all the gluten free choices provided at Shack Shack.
Shake Shack is more than willing to accommodate a gluten-free diet at any Shake Shack location upon request. If assistance is needed, the Shack team can be approached and they will be delighted to offer their help.
Download the Shake Shack application here. Utilize the Shake Shack app to sort through allergens and identify what is suitable for your safety. Additionally, there is another important aspect to consider.
Shake Shack Gluten Free Menu
This article was updated on December 8, 2021. If you have any comments or notice anything incorrect or missing, please leave a comment below. If you are looking for gluten-free options, you can find them at Shake Shack. All of these options are gluten-free.
Gluten Free Buns
According to the FAQs page of Shake Shack, you have the option to order any burger with a lettuce wrap, and the majority of their US locations provide gluten-free buns. Moreover, you can also choose to have flat-top dogs with a lettuce wrap.
Meats and Poultry
These are all the meat choices provided by Shake Shack that are gluten-free and do not contain wheat.
French Fries
‘Mushroom Burgers.’ In our kitchen, we use the same equipment to filter our oils that are used in our fryers. Please make sure not to order our fries. Shake Shack kindly requests that you refrain from ordering them.
The Shroom Burgers and Chik’n bites, like other fried foods, may contain the same oil that is not filtered and are not gluten-free.
While at the store, please verify the toppings and condiments and inquire about Shack Sauce, Mayo, and other condiments. Regrettably, Shake Shack does not provide a comprehensive list of their sauces on the allergy page, except for Shack Cheese Sauce, which is not suitable for those with gluten intolerance.
Shakes, Frozen Custard, and Concretes
Shake Shack offers a wide variety of frozen custard flavors. Before ordering, make sure to double-check with the cashier for the seasonal shakes. The frozen custard should be ordered without the cone. It is safe to add mix-ins such as chocolate sprinkles, caramel, fudge, marshmallow, toffee, and strawberry purée.
Gluten Free Shakes
Additional Drinks
These are all the additional beverage choices available at Shake Shack that are free from wheat/gluten.
Seasonal Items and Specials
In specific areas, at specific times, or for a limited duration, certain products may be accessible. Shake Shack offers alternative sauces/condiments, promotions, and seasonal products that are gluten-free.
Summary of Gluten Free Menu Options at Shake Shack
Expert advice and a brief overview of all the gluten-free options available at Shake Shack.